Posts filed under: MommiTips

4 Ways To Get Motivated for Postnatal Workouts

Welcoming a new baby into your life brings immense joy, but it also comes with significant changes to your daily routine and physical well-being. For new moms, finding the motivation... Read More

How To Find Your Personal Style After Having a Baby

Having a baby brings countless changes to your life. One of the most notable is how it can affect your sense of style. The needs and dynamics of your wardrobe... Read More

Fun Games for Children To Learn on the Playground

While children play on the playground, they are not just having fun but also engaging in essential learning activities that foster their development. Playgrounds offer a unique environment where children... Read More

Is Your Kid Shy or Could They Have Anxiety?

Some kids are naturally shy, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, anxiety in children can sometimes appear as simple shyness, and anxiety can be distressing for your little one.... Read More

How a Doula Can Help You Navigate Early Motherhood

Entering motherhood is one of life’s most profound transformations. As such, this incredible journey can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially in the early days. This is precisely where a doula can... Read More

How To Create a Shared Bedroom for Big Sibling and Baby

Welcoming a new addition to the family can be one of the most exciting times for a mother. It brings back memories of nurturing the older sibling and a new... Read More

5 Ways You Can Limit Your Child’s Screen Time

Somewhere along the line, as a mom, you might have discovered that managing your child’s screen time can be an uphill battle. Considering the deluge of entertaining content and apps... Read More

4 Effective Ways To Encourage Teens To Volunteer

Volunteer work can play an important role in shaping a teenager’s character. Your child can give back to their community, develop valuable skills, and gain a sense of purpose from... Read More

Kid-Friendly Desserts To Serve at a Pool Party

Summer is in full swing, the sun is gracing us with its warm glow, and the kids are eager to splash into the pool—it’s the perfect time to start planning... Read More

Tips for Creating a Birth Plan for Your First Baby

Congratulations, mama! You’re preparing for pregnancy or labor and delivery, and it’s time to think about your birth visions and plans. Many will tell you to remain flexible or that... Read More

This Isn’t Your Mother’s Spring Break: Or Maybe it Is!

Many of you reading this blog may identify yourself as a Millennial parent. And with that title comes quite the burden, as our generation is widely criticized as being... Read More

Ways To Ensure Your Teen Driver Is Safe on the Road

As parents, watching your children grow from crawling to walking to driving can be a bittersweet feeling. You’ve done all you can to stop them from growing up too fast... Read More

Tips for Keeping Playtime Engaging for Kids

We all know that children are bundles of energy that never seem to run out of steam. While their energy may never extinguish, their interest and attention have much shorter... Read More

Safe Toys and Gifts for Children

December is here, and Christmas is near. As we prepare for the holidays and gift-giving, we also have to keep “safety” in mind. Prevent Blindness America has declared December as... Read More

Holiday Gift Guide 2022

Holiday Gift Guide 2022 Hey Mommi! Have you finished shopping yet? Girl, have you even started?! I know I haven’t put a thing under the tree (my tree still isn’t... Read More

Things You Should Know About Thumb-Sucking

Did you know that around 75 percent of infants will suck their fingers in the first year of their life? However, when parents notice thumb-sucking behavior in their children, they... Read More

7 Tips for Traveling With Children

The thought of traveling with children can bring great anxiety to some people, especially if you are traveling by airplane. But, it does not have to if you follow these... Read More

Easy Ways To Give Back During the Holidays

After the hustle and bustle of Halloween and Thanksgiving, mothers are ready for a break, but thanks to December, it’s not coming soon. You will fight exhaustion while looking for... Read More

How I Became a Cow!

How I became a cow As Black Breastfeeding Week begins, and especially after learning that so many of my Mommination sisters are with child, I wanted to share how I... Read More

Sports Mommi Essentials: A Track Mom’s Guide

Sports Mommi Essentials: A Track Mom’s Guide The job of a mom is the most important job in the world, and we strive to be the best at it. In... Read More

Simple Ways To Teach Kids To Be Eco-friendly

We all share this beautiful world—people, plants, and animals—so we have to take care of it to keep our planet healthy for everyone inhabiting it. Learning how to reduce your... Read More

The Best Reasons for Siblings To Share a Room

In the past, American children often shared bedrooms with their siblings because of space restrictions. But now, many parents choose to have their children share a bedroom as an important... Read More

How To Spot Behavior Changes in Your Toddler

You love your toddler and want to know that the little person you’re raising is happy, healthy, and growing up well. Part of that means understanding that your kid has... Read More

Tips for Helping Your Teen Buy Their First Car

A memorable moment for any mother is seeing their teen gain freedom and independence through purchasing their first vehicle. And you can stand by your teen’s side as you help... Read More

Sleep Tips for Babies and Young Children on Vacation

Whether you see your next family vacation as a time for relaxation or an opportunity for adventure, you can make the most of your trip by making sure your little... Read More

4 Vital Questions To Ask Before Buying Baby Clothes

Purchasing new outfits for your newborn is a fun experience for any parent. From the cute colors and designs to the practical materials, the right items can bring a new... Read More

Ways New Parents Can Bond With Their Newborn

There might be times when it’s hard to bond with a newborn. It’s sometimes difficult for new parents, including mothers, to connect with their baby. There are ways for mothers... Read More

5 Best Methods To Soothe a Teething Baby

Teething is an uncomfortable time for your little one, and this period often comes with a lot of crying and fussy behavior. This milestone can feel all the more nerve-racking... Read More

What To Do With the Clothes Your Children Have Outgrown

As a parent of growing children, you will experience an ample amount of outgrown clothing. When your kids can no longer fit into certain clothes, there’s no use in letting... Read More

6 Dos and Don’ts of Hosting a Baby Shower

Preparing a baby shower for a loved one takes thoughtfulness and diligent planning. You are in charge of ensuring this baby shower runs smoothly. If you’re unsure where to begin, here... Read More

Tips for Hosting a Successful Family Cookout

With summertime coming in hot, it’s time to start up the outdoor cookouts again. Firing up the grill and enjoying your backyard space with family creates lots of memorable moments.... Read More

Resources on how and where to find formula

Your baby has to eat! Whether you are breastfeeding parent or a formula feeding parent, your baby has got to eat. The formula shortage is affecting everyone. Mommies around the country... Read More

Simple Ways To Make Your Daily Chores Faster

Adulting is hard! Keeping up with housework, is a chore in itself. It would be nice if you got help once in a while, but sometimes, this seems impossible. Here... Read More

What does Mommi want for Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is May 8th! Have you bought your gifts yet? Mommination recently polled our audience to find out what the most popular, desired and anticipated gift would be for... Read More

Quick and Healthy Meal Ideas for Toddlers

While raising little ones is a blessing, it can also be a constant pull on your time and energy. We moms are always looking for ways to save time while... Read More

3 Tips for Planning Your Next Family Vacation

At long last, we might have a legitimate summer this year. The past two summers have been less than stellar because of the pandemic. As a result, we have to... Read More

Easy Fashion Tips for Busy Moms: A Helpful Guide

Being fashionable doesn’t need to take up all your time. Buy a few staple pieces and accessories that you can quickly and easily reach for when getting ready for your... Read More

What To Know Before Buying Your Child a Pet

Pets of all kinds are fun to have in your home. They can teach your child responsibility and help with emotional development. Pets bring many benefits, but they also require... Read More

Fact vs. Fiction: The Most Common Pregnancy Myths

One of life’s biggest miracles is the gift of having life growing inside of you. The entire pregnancy and childbirth journey is full of thrilling and nerve-wracking experiences. The air... Read More

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education As I reflect on my early childhood learning, my daughters’ stages of development as well as my assessments and observations as a primary teacher; I have recognized... Read More

Nursery Organization Tips for New Parents

It seems slightly intimidating to plan the nursery, especially as a new parent. You have parent-friends who give you advice on the best nursery organization tips for new parents, but... Read More

Tips for Moving to Seattle With Your Children

When the opportunity comes to move to a new home in Seattle, Washington, it can feel exciting. The chance to experience somewhere new with your family creates new memories and... Read More

Who’s Happily Retired, Raise Your Hand!

My name is Vicki and I am happily retired! I had worked for the federal government for thirty-eight years and I couldn’t wait to retire! During the previous ten years,... Read More

Simple Tips for Making Healthier Desserts

Who doesn’t love a good dessert? It’s tasty and satisfies a sweet tooth. However, desserts are often too sugary or have ingredients that aren’t good for our bodies. If you’re... Read More

Fun Activities To Help You Bond With Your Adult Children

There’s nothing more rewarding than watching your kids grow into well-adjusted adults. However, growing up means they depend on you less, and you may struggle to connect with them like... Read More

Simple Design Tips for Updating Your Child’s Bedroom

As your child gets older, their tastes change. Maybe they loved rainbows and fire trucks when they were smaller, but now they’re ready to transition into something new. Fortunately, you... Read More

Growing Our Hope in the New Year

Our quest for hope The new year is a time of hope and possibilities. That is true of all beginnings. We look into the unknown and we dream. We imagine... Read More

How To Help Your Teen Feel Less Stressed

Raising a child in today’s world is no easy task, and finding ways to increase their quality of life can seem challenging. Our kids face discrimination and unique hardships daily,... Read More

Reasons You Should Check Your Child for Signs of Scoliosis

Being a mom means wearing multiple hats, and one of them is doctor. The reasons you should check your child for signs of scoliosis are because it is a common... Read More

Fun and Engaging Playtime Activities for Toddlers

Keeping your toddler preoccupied can be a challenge for even the most experienced parents. Finding the right project or game can be a fantastic way to use up kids’ seemingly... Read More

Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Sensory Bin for Kids

Sensory bins are staples in learning that introduce your children to different sights and textures. These bins provide children with the chance to explore their senses through engaging tactile play... Read More

How To Encourage Kids To Stop Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a common habit among young children. However, it can become a problem as they get older. Thumb sucking can create an overbite and lead parents into paying... Read More

Best Turkey Brine Recipe

My family and I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s not a cultural tradition of ours. While we don’t take part in the celebration, November is turkey season at every grocery store... Read More

How To Prepare for an At-Home Water Birth

There isn’t a more intimate experience than having a home birth. Laboring at home allows mothers to relax in a familiar space and provides more freedom to move around. Many... Read More

Ways To Motivate Your Child To Do Better in School

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” and we agree with him. Education helps us understand where we came... Read More

Gifting Made Easy: Clever Gift Ideas for Science-Loving Kids

Whether you need a holiday gift or something for your child’s upcoming birthday, nothing beats tailoring the present to their interests. For example, a little artist may adore a crafting... Read More

How You Can Plan Your Child’s Birthday Party

For most children, their birthday party is the highlight of their year. They get to be with all their friends, have a great time, and get cake and presents to... Read More

Ways To Encourage Your Kids To Practice Oral Hygiene

Getting your kids to consistently brush their teeth and practice good dental habits is difficult but absolutely paramount to establish at an early age. Because the process may seem like... Read More

What You Should Know Before Buying Your Kid a Ride-On Car

Christmas may still be a couple of months away, but when it comes to more expensive presents that you want to get your kids, it’s better to plan ahead to... Read More

Tips for Finding the Best Clothes for Your Kids

Clothes shopping with the kids can sometimes feel tedious and time-consuming. Worse yet, when the kids hit a growth spurt, it may feel like you’re at the mall every weekend... Read More

Space-Saving Tips for When You Have a Newborn

When managing life as a new parent, we know it can become difficult to save space. To help improve your area, whether on the go with your baby or around... Read More

Ways To Encourage Child Brain Development

Children’s brains develop quickly. Therefore, it’s essential to keep your child stimulated. Although stimulation methods vary, we have a list of helpful brain development activities. If you need ideas, check... Read More

Save a Life, Sex your husband!

We can't deny our husbands sex. They need it! They want it! They can't live without it! And although we may never fully understand the depth of it, it's real.... Read More

Mommi Hacks

Morning Woes Ever have one of those days where you felt like you repeated yourself over and over again? Did you pack your lunch? Did you make your bed? Do... Read More

I’m Listening

Just recently two different people, on two different days, at two different places commented on my Parenting style while observing me and my daughters dynamics. I felt it was something... Read More

Social Media 101: Back to School & Keeping Your Child Safe

Originally posted: Yay, the kids are headed back to school. No more snacking uncontrollably, drinking all the juice or toys all over the house. Let’s pause the excitement for... Read More

Mommy Emergency Car Kit Tips

With the winter months upon us, now is the perfect time to create an Emergency Kit for your cars! As a mommy of 4 all under the age of 10,... Read More

Love Your MommiBod Swimsuit

We're encouraging and empowering every mom to love yourself inside and out! So join us as we celebrate our Mommi bodies by emailing us today, July 26, 2019 a photo... Read More

Tips to Help Survive Motherhood

It has taken me a little over 13 years and 6 kids to figure out that I don’t have all of the answers for the many obstacles motherhood has thrown... Read More

How We Fostered A Love of Reading in Our Children

How We Fostered a Love of Reading in Our Children This post has been sponsored by General Mills. All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Books are hands down my... Read More

Show your kids just how much you love them on Valentine’s Day

Ever since my boys were big enough to understand the meaning of Valentine’s Day, I’ve made sure they receive a special gift from me, so they know just how much... Read More

Tips For Stocking Your Kitchen With Clean Eating Foods

Congratulations! You’ve made the first step in your commitment to a healthier lifestyle. How does it feel? Can you feel the pounds melting off already? You are going to look... Read More

365 New Days, 365 New Opportunities

First off, Happy New Year! I said it last year and the year before that and I’m pretty sure almost every year before that but my goodness is time flying!... Read More

I Gave Up Sugar For 30 Days, Here’s What Happened…

We’ve just wrapped up a successful fitness challenge here at MommiNation. It has been amazing seeing all the beautiful mommies get serious about their health. As moms I know the... Read More

6 Tips to Creating 2021 Vision Boards That You Will Stick With

The beginning of not only a new year, but a new decade is the perfect time to set annual goals. You should set goals for every area in your life;... Read More

Ten Christmas Traditions You Should Try!

1. Putting up the tree/decorations together How many Mommies out there think Christmas comes right after Halloween? We are so excited to get in the Christmas spirit that we start... Read More

Please Tell Me Why There’s an Elf on My Damn Shelf!

Okay, let’s play the game, Never Have I Ever… Ready?…. Never have I ever had an Elf on my Shelf…Now how many mommies had to drink to that? Welp, if... Read More

Securing the Mask!

In the event of decompression, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over... Read More

Surviving C-Sections: The Ugly Truth About the Unknowns of Childbirth

My first pregnancy was my “ignorance is bliss” chapter. I was only 23, so none of my close friends had babies yet. My mom was the only person I knew... Read More

4 Ways to Go Inward: Calming The Anxiety Caused by Covid-19

Hey Mommies! We’ve survived a few weeks of quarantine and there’s at least another month of this ahead. These are some very trying times. I don’t know one person that... Read More

Mommi Madness: Finding Balance

In my life right now I am juggling more roles than I have ever juggled, and sometimes I feel like I drop more balls than I keep in the air.... Read More

Sis, Just Do It!

Hi, Loves! If you’ve been following me for a while now you know I’m a stay at home mom. But that wasn’t always my job. Before Dre and I decided... Read More

Three Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Coronavirus

Life as we know it has turned completely upside down. As an adult, I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole thing. Can you imagine how... Read More

Schools Closed? Here’s What You Can Do

The Coronavirus has made it’s way to the United States and its presence has contributed to the closures of everything around us. Let me just say, I expected many things... Read More

Ten Ways to Flourish As A Work-At-Home Mommi

And to think, we thought the Mommi Madness couldn’t get any worst. Now, some of our daily routines are complete thrown out of whack because we have been instructed to... Read More

Protecting Our Children From the Coronavirus

As the coronavirus began to take over media reports in the last few weeks, I began to do my due diligence to make sure I did everything I could to... Read More

Ten Ways to Flourish As A Stay-At-Home Mommi

1. Wake up early We all know how hectic our days can get when the entire family is up and moving so try getting up and hour before the house.... Read More

Internet Safety for Teens

A little fun fact about me, I LOVE true crime shows. I literally fall asleep at night to Forensic Files or anything on the Investigation Discovery channel. Recently I have... Read More

The Wine Down: 10 Tips for Beginner Wine Drinkers

Now I wouldn’t go calling myself an expert, but I mean they don’t call me “The Wine Drinking Mom” for nothing, so in honor of #NationalDrinkWineDay I decided to extend... Read More


Having guests over can be fun but it does get stressful too. Houseguest etiquette is a must! It doesn’t matter if your guest planning to visit is your family member... Read More

New Year’s Resolutions vs Lifestyle Change

As a lover of information, I wanted to know the statistics when it comes to the number of people who actually create but more importantly complete a resolution. So I... Read More

It’s 2020 and my boobs are finally free!

It’s the first day of the new decade and my boobs are finally free! My breastfeeding journey Nobody could have told me 2 years and four months ago that I... Read More

Ten Christmas Traditions You Should Try!

1. Putting up the tree/decorations together How many Mommies out there think Christmas comes right after Halloween? We are so excited to get in the Christmas spirit that we start... Read More

How to Survive Family Gatherings

It’s the time of year where many families will start gathering together for various reasons. Some people look forward to catching up with their family members, while others dread the... Read More

Christmas: It Ain’t About You, Boo!

If you follow me on Instagram and read my posts, you may have seen the one where I talked about how Christmas is my favorite holiday. In that post I... Read More


PEPPERMINT COOKIES Ingredients 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup Special Dark unsweetened cocoa powder sifted 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup unsalted butter softened 1/3 cup butter-flavored shortening 1 cup granulated sugar (can also use ½ granulated, ½ brown sugar) 1 large egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract... Read More

Coordinating your perfect family photo!

It’s the one time of year where many of us go all out for family photos. Our families have been doing this for a few years now and we want... Read More

Easy Mom Hair

Easy Mommi hair! The infinity ponytail has gotten easier and more natural!... Read More

When my mother died without a will, I learned a big lesson about money management as an African American

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON THE BUSINESS INSIDER Angie Chatman Sep 9, 2019, 11:09 AM My mother purchased her home on the south side of Chicago for $55,000 in 1986, the equivalent... Read More

Making it Through Those Awkward Thanksgiving Conversations.

Thanksgiving, a time to gather round with family and friends, a time to give thanks, a time to reminisce, and catch up but —- let’s face it, Thanksgiving can be... Read More

4 Tips to Remain Thankful during a difficult Season in your Life

As women, and as Moms we go through seasons in our lives where our hope begins to diminish due to circumstances beyond our control. Even some situations we find ourselves... Read More

Stuffing Muffins

Stuffing Muffins: Cubed Stuffing Mix Apples Celery Bay Leaf Onion Poultry Seasoning Olive Oil Salt Pepper Butter Parsley Chicken Stock 4 tablespoons olive oil 1 stick unsalted butter 1 fresh... Read More

Honey Glazed Carrots

Honey Glazed Carrots: I came up with the recipe one day after my husband fell in love with a seasonal dish at a local restaurant. Every time we ate there... Read More

Beating the Holiday Blues

Hi loves!  It’s the most wonderful time of the year!…or is it??  The winter holiday season brings about some of the most popular holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New... Read More

Roasted Potatoes

Roasted Potatoes: 1 1/2 pounds small red-skinned potatoes 1/8 cup olive oil 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons minced fresh... Read More

Butter and Garlic Roasted Green Beans

Butter and Garlic Roasted Green Beans:\ Fresh String Beans ¼ Cup Slivered Almonds 3 Cloves Minced Garlic 1 Stick Unsalted Butter 1 Teaspoon Coarse Sea Salt 1 Teaspoon Coarse Black... Read More

Quid Pro Quo for the Mommi Who Wants to Stop Losing her Sh*

As I was thinking of a title for this blog, I was being inundated by news reports of evidence of quid pro quo. I first heard the Latin phrase- quid... Read More

Sweet and Sour Salmon

Sweet and Sour Salmon: Salmon 1 each red, yellow, green bell pepper Sweet and Sour sauce Soy Sauce Coarse Sea Salt Granulated Garlic Olive Oil Butter Pre-heat oven to 380... Read More

Cooking with Yolande: Grammy’s Mac & Cheese

Mac & Cheese: Macaroni Elbows Milk 1 Stick of Butter Flour 32oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Mild, Medium, Sharp) 1 each Red, Yellow, Green Bell Peppers Onion Green Onions Oil for... Read More

Candied Yams

Candied Yams: Sweet Potatoes Brown Sugar Cinnamon Jumbo Marshmallows (Not mini) This recipe is super easy and HANDS DOWN the dish everyone looks forward to most every Thanksgiving and Christmas... Read More

Fall Soup Lineup

Baby, it’s getting cold outside and nothing warms me up like a good old bowl of soup. I recently signed up to help at a fall luncheon for teachers at... Read More

I’m Grateful For My Kids…BUT!   The other day Lil Dre asked me if he was a mistake. I said absolutely not! You were more like an AND I…OOOP! If you know me then... Read More

14 Little Ways to Encourage Kindness

Originally posted on Great thinkers from Martin Luther King Jr. to the Dalai Lama to my daughter, Addison, all have had something to say about the importance of helping... Read More

Mommi hosts ‘job fair’ at home to teach her kids about the importance of working for your money

Black mom hosts ‘job fair’ at home to teach her kids about the importance of working for your money By Brianna Rhodes  – August 20, 2019 A Georgia mom is... Read More

To the Mommi Who Needs a Break

First Time Mommi I remember when I became a mom for the first time. Everything was exciting and new. Here I was 22 years old, barely married for a year... Read More

9 Black Mommi and Child Owned Businesses

Originally Published on May 13, 2018  by ShoppeBlack In celebration of Black mothers, we’ve put together a list of Black Mother & Child Owned businesses. Black Mother and Child Owned Businesses... Read More

Mommi, Where Do Babies Come From?

Do you avoid the question? Is this an uncomfortable conversation for you to have? If your kids are at an age where you think it’s time to discuss, don’t wait... Read More

Camping Trip Must Haves

My husband loves the great outdoors, I could totally do without it. The beginning of our relationship was filled with him trying to get me into outdoor sports as much... Read More

Five Tips To Starting Your Week Off Right

We know, depending on how the little ones were overnight, mornings can be rough and that may seem like an understatement.Shoot, sometimes mornings are the only time you might get... Read More

Eating Healthy on a Budget

My job is to feed a family of 8 people. Feeding them is the easy part, feeding them healthy, organic, unprocessed food, now that’s the fun part. I get a... Read More

The Only Brown Girl In Class

I never thought sending my kindergartner to a predominantly white school would lead to her being the only brown girl in class. Let me back track a bit. We moved... Read More

Protecting Our Black Children In Predominately White Spaces

More Money More Problems? There’s a saying that the more money you get, the more problems you have.  It’s one of those sayings that has become a part of accepted... Read More

Cloth Diapers, Who would have thought?

Who would've thought that I would use cloth diapers? ​Not with Baby #4. Well, ​Yah I did it​.​ You're probably wondering why the change. Especially because he was over the... Read More

After Labor, Now What?

The feeling of bringing a child into the world is an indescribable feeling, and cannot be compared to anything else in life. It's almost unreal, supernatural, simply magical! To feel... Read More

The L You’re Afraid To Take

At MommiNation we LOVE a good podcast! If you can’t listen, and we highly suggest you do, here is the corresponding blog for you! Thanks, Mommi Tierra Hi Loves, welcome... Read More

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That: 5 Things to Consider Before Dating a Single Mom

Picture this, a mom… on her grind, working hard to support her kid(s), making sure they are taken care of while still trying to figure out whatever it is that... Read More

End of Summer Activities Before Fall Offically Begins

There are just two weeks left until school starts for my children, and I am going absolutely mad. I have run out of things for the children to do, and... Read More

My Open Letter To My Daughters

Realizing this, I said this year as my daughter turns 10, I wanted to start writing letters to her 2-4 times a year that when she is older she can... Read More

The Best Choice For My Baby

Super Mommi I think the greatest thing I’ve done for my Daughter as a baby was breastfeed her for as long as I did. 19 months to be exact, it... Read More

8 Breastfeeding Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Breastfeeding, while natural, is often difficult. Many problems can creep in and threaten to stop you from breastfeeding. The good news is that virtually every problem that comes along with... Read More

Meal Planning 101

It’s that time of year again! Summer is slowing coming to an end and it’s time to get our kids back on a schedule. I don’t know about you, but... Read More

Confession of a First Time Mommi: Baby Blues

I’m A Mommi Looking back at an old Facebook post that I made prior to giving birth now makes me laugh hysterically and even cringe a bit. See, I’m coming... Read More

Get Bae•cation Ready: How To Plan A Kid-Free Getaway

Are you ready for a getaway? A kid-free getaway? Would you like to know how to travel without your kids and soak up some much needed baecay time?... Read More

MommiNation’s 25 Baby Registry Must-Haves

Creating your baby registry can be fun and exciting, or it can be a huge frustration. In many cases, soon after we mommies jump into the deep sea of baby... Read More

Practice Self-Love to Become an Even Better Parent

Embracing self-love is one of the best ways to become a better parent. Originally posted on Psychology Today Day in and day out, deadlines, schedules, financial pressures, and social demands... Read More

My 2019 Kid Friendly Summer Bucket List

As a single mommi, I am always looking for ways to entertain my one-year-old daughter. Most days it’s usually just me and her around the house lounging but this summer... Read More

Forget Hot Girl Summer, it’s Hot Mommi Summer over here!

For those who’ve been living under a rock, we’ll break down this entire movement for you! A Hot Girl Summer is a call to action to secure the bag, have... Read More

Unexpected Family Friendly Travel Spot… Miami!

It’s that time of year where we take our kids on a little vacation to enjoy summer a bit, away from home. Unexpectedly this year, I ran into passport issues... Read More

Sis, Don’t Let Your 2019 Goals Become Your 2020 Goals

How committed are you to the goals you set in January? 2020 is in 6 months, what have you accomplished? I'm here to encourage you to finish the year strong.... Read More

5 Tips to Consider for Summer Camps

Let the Summer Fun Begin Summa Summa Tiiiime!!!!…. And here comes all the flyers, emails, and newsletters for all the variety of summer camps for the kiddos to have a... Read More

Life After Divorce

Divorce is something you will never forget, no matter how hard you try to, at first life is a whirlwind. There's a lot of adjusting and a lot of worrying... Read More

Beat The Heat: 5 Ways to Prevent Hot Car Deaths

Although it is possible to prevent hot car deaths, kids are still dying in hot cars at an alarming rate. According to a Forbes article, 2018 was the deadliest year... Read More

15 Free Summer Activities For Kids

Free activities don’t have to be a drag. Keep reading to discover 15 free summer activities for your children. Activities for All Kids (0 – 10 Years Old) Get Soaked–... Read More

The Real Truth of “Having it All”

I had bought into the dream of literally having it all at every moment of the day, and I was the one who suffered the most from that illusion. It is practically... Read More

My 12-Year-Old is Dating

I don’t know what happens in 7th grade, but apparently that is when hormones start to rage. Let me preface this by assuring you that when it comes to dating,... Read More

Two under Two

Two under Two My Sister and I are the best of friends. We are 15 months apart and grew up very close. I always wanted the same for my kids... Read More

Motherhood; No Experience Necessary

The excitement that I was to become a mom for the first time settled in quickly. I read nearly every self help book on motherhood I could find. What to Expect... Read More

It is Never Too Late for Your Kids to Learn How to Swim

Although my boys have gone swimming many times, they had never taken swim lessons before and I found myself feeling afraid anytime we went to the pool and they swam... Read More

5 ways I’m teaching my daughter to ❤ herself

Truth be told I never saw myself having daughters 👀 I know… My prayer was always for a son. When I found out my 1st born was a boy I... Read More

10 Fun Things to do this Summer

School’s out for the summer!! If you’re following this blog (thank you by the way) you know that we’re a big family. Party of 8 coming through! Having such a... Read More

Last Minute Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day! Fathers Day is just around the corner and the big question is on all of our minds…what do I get the men I love?  Every Father’s Day I... Read More

10 Great Books to Read to Help Prevent the Summer Slide

Hallelujah for the summer! If you’re anything like me, you’ve been counting down to the lazy days of summer. Long gone are the days of waking up early and following... Read More

My husband & I date other people!

You hear it time and time again, put your spouse first. Leave to cleave, yada yada yada and we do put each other first. However, we also understand the importance... Read More

Mommi, Your Purpose is Magical

I’ve been on a journey to finding my purpose. Sure, it sounds like something so simple and obvious but it isn’t. It’s actually a life changer. I think it would... Read More

MOTHER’S DAY: Don’t Mess It Up

Mothers’ Day is coming up and MommiNation is here to make sure dads DON’T BLOW IT! Of course, we will smile and be appreciative of anything our children and significant... Read More

What’s In My Makeup Bag (And what you need in yours)!

If you don’t have a makeup bag, who are you? Lol, I kid. Grab one, and get ready to fill it with these goodies! ... Read More

Another Baby After Eight Years – What Was I Thinking?!

The bond between my daughter and her stepdad made me less negative to the thought of having another baby after eight years.... Read More

Keeping Your Confidence During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most beautiful experience you can have as a woman. However, weight gain, hair changes, skin problems, lack of sleep, etc... will have you feeling anything but beautiful.... Read More

Getting Kids in the Kitchen

Some of my favorite memories with my children involve them helping me in our kitchen. The chopping, stirring, measuring, and mixing, just brings back the best memories for me. I... Read More

I love my babies but I think I love saving money even more…

My son Luke will be 6 months soon and it gives me a great sense of mommi pride to know that we haven’t had to run to the store for... Read More

The day(s) I became a Mom…

It was surreal, indescribable, it was Magical!Seeing my baby for the first time rocked my world! I couldn't do anything but scream and cry, she was perfect! I couldn't believe she... Read More

My Single Mom Dating Struggles…

As I consider the idea of dating again, I ask myself, are there any helpful rules or guidelines for dating as a single mom? In all honesty, I was never... Read More

Mommies To Be: 10 Things Your Mommi Friends Haven’t Told You!

The Mommi journey is a long one. With a roller coaster of emotions and experiences. Once you find out you're pregnant I suggest joining the Mommination approved What To Expect... Read More

Wives Should Pray About Sex

Wives! We should pray about a sexless marriage every day, and here is why!... Read More

My biggest leap of faith: Becoming a stay-at-home mom

After I prayed this prayer, I was not too thrilled with the answer. I had a deep feeling in my gut that it was best to stay home. I... Read More