There isn’t a more intimate experience than having a home birth. Laboring at home allows mothers to relax in a familiar space and provides more freedom to move around. Many black women opt for a water birth when they choose to stay at home because of its holistic benefits for both mother and baby.

While home births grow more and more common, it is still essential to learn about the process. Read on to learn how to prepare for an at-home water birth if you want to stay home to have your baby.

Build Your Team

Having a skilled support system to help you give birth is important if you stay home. Birthing professionals like midwives will assist you during the process and keep a lookout for any problems along the way. You can also add your partner, family member, or trusted friend to your birth team for moral support.

Make a Plan

You must have a plan before a water birth. Doing so will ensure that you make the right decisions for yourself and your child. Having a plan will also help ease any stress you might feel about giving birth at home or in general. Your plan should address questions from every stage of labor, such as:

  • Where in my house am I giving birth?
  • What will I do if complications arise?
  • Do I have space for my newborn once they are here?

Gather Supplies

All home births require a particular set of supplies, like a fetal doppler and towels. It is also wise to collect postpartum materials, like sanitary pads and blankets. If you hire a midwife, they will probably have a birthing kit with their preferred tools. If you choose to have a water birth, you’ll need some extra necessities, like:

  • A birthing tub
  • A floating thermometer
  • Extra towels and liners

Prep Your Area

The last step to prepare for an at-home water birth is to set up your birthing area. Choose a room with enough space for your birth team and all your necessary labor supplies. Prepare your birthing tub and sanitize everything that could come in contact with you and your baby. Finally, make sure that the rest of your home is ready for your new arrival by clearing out space and stocking up on essential baby supplies.

Giving birth in water at home is a unique opportunity to have a personalized labor experience. Avoid any unnecessary anxiety by prepping your space and mental state in advance. Get ready to welcome your new bundle of joy in the comfort of your home!