Posts filed under: Parenting

Fun and Easy Fashion Crafts You Can Do With Your Kids

Do you have a little fashionista in your home who loves to express their unique style through clothing? Then, they’ll love to try out these fashion crafts with you! These... Read More

Why You Should Get Your Child Involved in Tennis

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your child found a physical activity they loved that offered countless benefits for their growth and happiness? Look no further than tennis! The Williams sisters,... Read More

Essential Strategies for Working From Home With a Toddler

Working from home with a toddler can be both rewarding and challenging. Balancing professional responsibilities with the joyful chaos of parenting creates a unique environment that needs effective strategies to... Read More

Things To Consider if Your Child Plays Little League

Little League is often the first step many children take into the world of organized sports. It’s a time filled with excitement, teamwork, and countless memories. However, for parents, navigating... Read More

Helpful Comfort Items That Can Soothe Your Child

Becoming a new parent is a beautiful, albeit overwhelming, adventure. The moment your little one arrives, you are on a constant quest to ensure their comfort and happiness. This experience... Read More

5 Strategies for Getting Your Kids To Play Nicely Together

Sharing life under one roof does not guarantee that your kids will naturally play nicely together. It often requires parents to foster a harmonious play environment that encourages cooperation, empathy,... Read More

Tips for Starting a Side Hustle as a Busy Parent

Finding the time to start a side hustle can be a major challenge for most parents. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, taking on an extra job seems... Read More

How To Throw Your Kid’s Birthday Party in Your Apartment

Apartment living usually puts space at a premium, but that doesn’t mean you can’t host events in your living space. If your kid has a birthday party coming up, you... Read More

The Importance of Reading Books to Your Baby

There’s a quiet, shared intimacy that our words wrap around when we read to our babies. It’s a bond that’s something close to magic, each word a tiny spell, each... Read More

Tips for Choosing Godparents for Your Children

Selecting godparents for your child is a significant decision that traverses religious, cultural, and familial landscapes. Godparents play a symbolic and practical role when you’re looking to build your parenting... Read More

How To Entertain Your Children During Long Drives

For parents, embarking on long car journeys with the kids in tow can bring about a mix of excitement and trepidation. While the promise of adventure beckons, the thought of... Read More

Emergency Training: When Should Kids Start Learning CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an essential skill that can save the lives of individuals whose hearts have stopped beating. However, knowing when kids should start learning CPR training isn’t so... Read More

Tips for Keeping Toddlers and Infants Safe

As a parent or caregiver for a young child, keeping them safe is paramount. Young children, particularly toddlers and infants, are curious and can get into potentially dangerous situations without... Read More

5 Advantages of Putting a Baby in a Sling

Wearing a baby in a sling has gained popularity in recent years, and many Black mothers are gravitating toward this practice for plenty of reasons. This practice can help Black... Read More

5 Benefits of Taking Your Child to the Grocery Store

ay alWhen you think about going to the grocery store, you may like to go alone since it allows you to have a faster trip. But if you go shopping... Read More

5 Tips for Helping Your Child Avoid Injuries While Playing

When your child is little, it’s only natural that they will want to engage in boisterous, lively play. But sometimes, their playtime can get so out of control that they... Read More

How To Prepare for Having Your First Baby

Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing event. It’s a precious time for self-discovery and togetherness with your partner. When expecting your first baby, feeling both overjoyed and overwhelmed is normal.... Read More

6 Tips To Protect Your Teen When They Start Driving

Your baby is about to start driving! While you can’t be right by their side in the passenger seat all the time, you can prepare them for this new chapter... Read More

Beneficial Extracurriculars To Get Your Child Involved In

Enrolling kids in extracurricular activities can be a great way to help boost their self-esteem. It can also get them interested in developing skills they may not learn from their... Read More

Ways To Entertain Your Kids on Summer Break

Summer break is fun for children, but it can be stressful for you. Planning activities and keeping up with your kids is a full-time job. Luckily, there are plenty of... Read More

How To Prepare for Your Child’s High School Graduation

Your child’s high school graduation is an important milestone you should celebrate. Graduating from high school marks the end of their childhood and the beginning of a new phase in... Read More

Finding Balance: Tips for Being a Work-From-Home Mom

Being a mom while working from home is no easy task. The pressure to juggle both can be overwhelming and often increases stress. It is hard to stay productive while... Read More

How Can Parents Help Their Children Learn Healthy Habits?

Parents guide their children and help them navigate the world. Kids need assistance to grow their interests and various skills. Continue reading to find out how parents can help their... Read More

Ways To Ensure Your Teen Driver Is Safe on the Road

As parents, watching your children grow from crawling to walking to driving can be a bittersweet feeling. You’ve done all you can to stop them from growing up too fast... Read More

Ways To Improve Your Child’s Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are essential to our everyday life. We use them for every finely tuned movement, from gaming to driving to cooking dinner. Helping your child develop their motor... Read More

Why Is Fostering Independence Important in Your Child

As a parent, it’s hard to let go and let your child become more independent. It’s frightening because you don’t want them to hurt themselves or get into trouble, even... Read More

Illness vs Constipation: When To Worry About Your Baby

Babies bring joy to your life from the moment they enter the world. However, there are times when their appetite and mood can swiftly change due to unexpected ailments. Stay... Read More

Fun Activities To Improve Your Children’s Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills are the unsung heroes that give us the abilities we don’t give more than a second thought to throughout the day. That is, our abilities to jump,... Read More

3 Ways To Encourage Your Child’s Compassion

Compassion is the quality of being sensitive to other people’s pain and misfortune. When you nurture your child’s compassion, you help them sympathize and empathize with other people, spurring their... Read More

Tips for Keeping Playtime Engaging for Kids

We all know that children are bundles of energy that never seem to run out of steam. While their energy may never extinguish, their interest and attention have much shorter... Read More

How To Prepare Hyperactive Kids for Learning

According to recent studies, ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is more common among Black children than their white and Latino peers. However, fewer Black children receive a diagnosis and treatment. ADHD can... Read More

How To Help Your Child With Autism Overcome Picky Eating

It’s common for young children to be picky eaters, but if you have a child with autism, you may experience picky eating on another level. Many children with autism stick... Read More

Tips To Protect Your Toddler at the Playground

It’s a parent’s instinct to protect their child to the best of their ability. When your children want to play outside, you want to give them the freedom to play... Read More

Engaging Academic Studies To Teach Your Children at Home

Children will absorb lots of information during the school day, but school isn’t the only place children can learn. Parents can incorporate fun learning tactics to develop more engaging academic... Read More

How To Help Your Child Adjust After a Move

Most people do not enjoy huge life changes, and this is especially true for children. It is easy to sympathize with this sentiment as a drastic life change, like moving... Read More

Hobbies That Help Improve Childhood Development

Childhood is a time when children develop and grow the most out of any other time in their lives. They utilize the world around them to make sense of their... Read More

The Basics of Baby Skincare Every Parent Should Know

Babies are prone to certain skin conditions, including dry skin, dandruff, eczema, and even baby acne. During this time, their skin is sensitive, which is why knowing the right bathing... Read More

What To Do When There’s a Shortage in Baby Formula

For months now, we’ve experienced a national shortage in baby formula. Situations like these cause fear, stress, and anxiety for parents who are trying to feed their children. It’s important... Read More

4 Ways To Raise Your Baby on an Organic Lifestyle

Raising kids as a Black mother in today’s society is no easy feat. Social and institutional issues affect Black mothers on a constant basis. Still, one way many mothers strive... Read More

How To Help Children Cope With a Parent’s Deployment

When a military service member is in the family, it’s easy for the whole family to experience the effects of their responsibilities. Between frequent moves in between states and long... Read More

How To Support Different Learning Styles

Students learn in various ways: from imaginary play (visual learning) to listening to a teacher speak (auditory). These four learning styles are developing faster and becoming more noticeable in students.... Read More

Creative Ways To Keep Preschoolers Active and Busy

Preschool is the time when a child is around 3 to 5 years of age and when their brains experience an incredible amount of growth. They are reaching many developmental... Read More

Simple Ways To Teach Kids To Be Eco-friendly

We all share this beautiful world—people, plants, and animals—so we have to take care of it to keep our planet healthy for everyone inhabiting it. Learning how to reduce your... Read More

The Best Reasons for Siblings To Share a Room

In the past, American children often shared bedrooms with their siblings because of space restrictions. But now, many parents choose to have their children share a bedroom as an important... Read More

How To Spot Behavior Changes in Your Toddler

You love your toddler and want to know that the little person you’re raising is happy, healthy, and growing up well. Part of that means understanding that your kid has... Read More

Sleep Tips for Babies and Young Children on Vacation

Whether you see your next family vacation as a time for relaxation or an opportunity for adventure, you can make the most of your trip by making sure your little... Read More

4 Vital Questions To Ask Before Buying Baby Clothes

Purchasing new outfits for your newborn is a fun experience for any parent. From the cute colors and designs to the practical materials, the right items can bring a new... Read More

5 Best Methods To Soothe a Teething Baby

Teething is an uncomfortable time for your little one, and this period often comes with a lot of crying and fussy behavior. This milestone can feel all the more nerve-racking... Read More

Best Ways To Reduce Stress While Pregnant

One of the most common feelings you may experience while expecting is stress. Stressing about your baby, worrying about life’s changes, and anxiety about providing the perfect nursery can all... Read More

Home Ec at Home: Life and Home Skills To Teach Your Teen

We all want to equip our teens for the real world before they move out. Here are a few skills you should teach your teen to prepare them for life... Read More

The Best Ways To Implement a Routine for Your Newborn

All children need structure and routine, but babies need it the most, especially newborns. They are, after all, new to the world, and the two of you are getting used... Read More

Helpful Advice for Parents of a Child With Autism

Every parent wants to be the best they can be for their children, and when you’re parenting a child with autism, knowing what to do can feel like a mystery.... Read More

6 Outdoor Summer Activities for Toddlers

Temperatures are rising, and the summer months are just around the corner.  Get outside and get some fresh air. Try these six outdoor summer activities for toddlers to enjoy! Whether... Read More

Signs That Your Child Might Feel Overwhelmed

Our children are sensitive tiny humans with as many emotions as a full-grown adult, if not more. However, they don’t have all the tools in their emotional arsenal to manage... Read More

Nutrition-Dense Foods Your Growing Child Needs

Nutrition-dense foods provide a strong foundation As your children develop, they need the right fuel for learning and growth. They’ll need sufficient calories for hours of playtime as well as... Read More

Early Start: How To Prepare Toddlers for College

The path to college is full of obstacles and inequalities, so it takes a lot of work to achieve the necessary academic success. Starting this process young can be one... Read More

Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts

May 2nd-May 6th is Teacher Appreciation Week! “Teaching is a Work of Heart”: Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! Teaching is one of the most rewarding yet challenging professions. From early childhood... Read More

A Puzzle with Innumerable Pieces: An Autism Mommi’s Journey Thus Far

Queen amongst Kings… I heard a quote that resonated with me, and it said, “A mother is a son’s first true love, a son is a mother’s last true love.”... Read More

Helpful Tips for Parents of Teen Drivers

Being a parent of a teen driver can give you so much anxiety when you worry about their safety and well-being. There are so many sudden things that can happen,... Read More

Fun Activities To Help You Bond With Your Adult Children

There’s nothing more rewarding than watching your kids grow into well-adjusted adults. However, growing up means they depend on you less, and you may struggle to connect with them like... Read More

How To Help Your Teen Feel Less Stressed

Raising a child in today’s world is no easy task, and finding ways to increase their quality of life can seem challenging. Our kids face discrimination and unique hardships daily,... Read More

Four Reasons Why ‘Jingle Jangle’ Provides the Light We All Need

Fun for the entire family Gather the whole family, make some cups of hot cocoa, and watch Netflix’s Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey. This colorful, holiday musical hits the mark... Read More

Best Ways To Support a Child in the Hospital

It may not be easy to be a Black mother today, but something no parent wants to experience is their child in the hospital. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens whether you... Read More

Fun and Engaging Playtime Activities for Toddlers

Keeping your toddler preoccupied can be a challenge for even the most experienced parents. Finding the right project or game can be a fantastic way to use up kids’ seemingly... Read More

How To Encourage Kids To Stop Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a common habit among young children. However, it can become a problem as they get older. Thumb sucking can create an overbite and lead parents into paying... Read More

Ways To Encourage Your Child To Donate to Charity

Donating to charity is a great way to give back, and everyone should lend a helping hand when they can. Black mothers can inspire the younger generation to donate by... Read More

Ways To Motivate Your Child To Do Better in School

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” and we agree with him. Education helps us understand where we came... Read More

Gifting Made Easy: Clever Gift Ideas for Science-Loving Kids

Whether you need a holiday gift or something for your child’s upcoming birthday, nothing beats tailoring the present to their interests. For example, a little artist may adore a crafting... Read More

How You Can Plan Your Child’s Birthday Party

For most children, their birthday party is the highlight of their year. They get to be with all their friends, have a great time, and get cake and presents to... Read More

What You Should Know Before Buying Your Kid a Ride-On Car

Christmas may still be a couple of months away, but when it comes to more expensive presents that you want to get your kids, it’s better to plan ahead to... Read More

Benefits of Eating Dinner Together as a Family

There was once a time where families, and even neighbors, regularly ate meals together. These days, that’s becoming less and less common. Some families, especially those with kids old enough... Read More

Space-Saving Tips for When You Have a Newborn

When managing life as a new parent, we know it can become difficult to save space. To help improve your area, whether on the go with your baby or around... Read More

The 3 Benefits of Sports Glasses for Kids

For many kids, sports glasses are the perfect solution to help them stay involved in activities. Whether they play soccer, football, or lacrosse, there are different styles and options available.... Read More

Mommi Hacks

Morning Woes Ever have one of those days where you felt like you repeated yourself over and over again? Did you pack your lunch? Did you make your bed? Do... Read More

I’m Listening

Just recently two different people, on two different days, at two different places commented on my Parenting style while observing me and my daughters dynamics. I felt it was something... Read More

The 3 Most Important Lessons We are Teaching our 3 Black Sons

If I were to say that being a mom of 3 black boys is easy, I would be lying. I don’t see them any different than any other kid. I... Read More

Death to the SuperMommi! The Five Stages of Letting it All Go

Denial   I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but the day I became a mom is the day I decided I had to do it all. I would be... Read More

Why Black People don’t adopt but why WE should!

Here is the deal! Blacks don’t adopt! Especially when you look at the statistics of our caucasian counterparts. And here is the sad truth! African American children are the largest... Read More

Tips to Help Survive Motherhood

It has taken me a little over 13 years and 6 kids to figure out that I don’t have all of the answers for the many obstacles motherhood has thrown... Read More

Picking Up Shattered Glass: Failed Relationships and Co-Parenting

I must confess, I had no idea how to handle it, so putting up a wall of strength is all I knew to do. It wasn’t until I’d lay in... Read More

How We Fostered A Love of Reading in Our Children

How We Fostered a Love of Reading in Our Children This post has been sponsored by General Mills. All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Books are hands down my... Read More

Stepping Up, Stepping Out and Over Stepping: Step Parent-My least favorite title. (Part II)

It's October 2016. Less than two years into our marriage, I'm five months pregnant and my husband starts dropping hints about the kids moving in. It wasn't the first time... Read More

Career or Kids: The Twins I Almost Chose Not To Have.

In 2006 and I was ranked #1 in the world. It was my third year running professionally and everything was going how I envisioned. So many great things happened that... Read More

Stepping Up, Stepping Out and Over Stepping: Step Parent- My least favorite title (PART I)

YOU DON’T KNOW, WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW I absolutely hate being a step parent! Sound harsh? Hear me out. I started dating my husband in 2009 it was meant to... Read More

Please Tell Me Why There’s an Elf on My Damn Shelf!

Okay, let’s play the game, Never Have I Ever… Ready?…. Never have I ever had an Elf on my Shelf…Now how many mommies had to drink to that? Welp, if... Read More

No Need To Drown…Just Keep Swimming

Water will not kill my daughters. I need them to be able to have the skills set to, if in danger, to save their lives. Mommy and daddy will do... Read More

From Motherless Child to Mom of Six

My name is Bella and I am a mom to six kids. Sounds impressive, right? Many people seem to think so. A lot of praise comes my way when people... Read More

Distance Learning is Driving Me Crazy!

We’d heard about Covid-19. It was all over the news. Early reports of the virus didn’t send me into a panic. I was pretty much convinced that keeping my hands... Read More

Surviving C-Sections: The Ugly Truth About the Unknowns of Childbirth

My first pregnancy was my “ignorance is bliss” chapter. I was only 23, so none of my close friends had babies yet. My mom was the only person I knew... Read More

Three Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Coronavirus

Life as we know it has turned completely upside down. As an adult, I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole thing. Can you imagine how... Read More

Internet Safety for Teens

A little fun fact about me, I LOVE true crime shows. I literally fall asleep at night to Forensic Files or anything on the Investigation Discovery channel. Recently I have... Read More

They’ll Mention How We Were Slaves but Forget We Were Also Kings.

The topic of slavery, the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. With my son only being two years old, it’s safe to say I have a... Read More

How in the Hell Do I Parent Myself????

How do I, as a parent, tell them not to do something that I know that I would do? Is there a way to parent the me out of my... Read More

My Love letter to Vanessa & the girls…

Dear Vanessa, Natalia, Bianka and Capri, The world lost a legend. A man that many revere as one of the greatest athletes of our time. To you, though, he was... Read More

Family Vs. Family

Ah, the married life. It’s a wonderful adventure isn’t it? When I was younger I pictured myself meeting the man of my dreams (I did, he’s pretty hot). We’d fall... Read More

Am I raising a colorist?

My daughter is growing up, before my eyes. She is an honor student, active in clubs and is a great singer and performer, not to mention a great big sister.... Read More

Hanukkah, Not Christmas

As a child, it didn’t take long for me to realize that Santa wasn’t real. I grew up in South Central Los Angeles, many folks don’t have chimneys so where... Read More

Raising Thankful Kids – How To Help Kids Be Thankful

Being thankful and raising thankful kids should be a part of our everyday lives not just a seasonal act during Thanksgiving celebration. However, at times we may find ourselves in... Read More

Quid Pro Quo for the Mommi Who Wants to Stop Losing her Sh*

As I was thinking of a title for this blog, I was being inundated by news reports of evidence of quid pro quo. I first heard the Latin phrase- quid... Read More

I’m Grateful For My Kids…BUT!   The other day Lil Dre asked me if he was a mistake. I said absolutely not! You were more like an AND I…OOOP! If you know me then... Read More

Our Children Are Not Your Punching Bags

I’ve had enough of watching cell phone footage and or body cam videos of children assaulted by school resource officers. As a parent, I can’t imagine what it must feel... Read More

To the Mommi Who Needs a Break

First Time Mommi I remember when I became a mom for the first time. Everything was exciting and new. Here I was 22 years old, barely married for a year... Read More

Mommi, Where Do Babies Come From?

Do you avoid the question? Is this an uncomfortable conversation for you to have? If your kids are at an age where you think it’s time to discuss, don’t wait... Read More

How to know when enough is enough…

As time went on, however, daily sex routines turned into once in a while. Date nights were a thing that happened on occasion and minor disagreements turned into full blown... Read More

Oops… we did it again!

Please stop the Britney song you are playing in your head and let me tell you my story. When J and I married, we were in the middle of getting... Read More

We asked black mothers how they find their joy. This is what they said.

A few months into her second pregnancy, she needed to read an article about black motherhood that wasn’t a horror story. So she decided to explore the joys of being... Read More

The Only Brown Girl In Class

I never thought sending my kindergartner to a predominantly white school would lead to her being the only brown girl in class. Let me back track a bit. We moved... Read More

MWB: Momming While Black

At a young 10 years old, my son Dre was called a nigger in school by a classmate. This is being a black mother in America. Nothing will ever prepare... Read More

After Labor, Now What?

The feeling of bringing a child into the world is an indescribable feeling, and cannot be compared to anything else in life. It's almost unreal, supernatural, simply magical! To feel... Read More

Am I Ruining My Kids?

I know, I know, it’s the age-old question that every mom deals with. “Am I ruining my kids?” I have yet to meet a mom that feels like they have... Read More

If only breastfeeding came with instructions

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. It didn’t take some nurse or doctor to convince me of the benefits, I knew... Read More

The Best Choice For My Baby

Super Mommi I think the greatest thing I’ve done for my Daughter as a baby was breastfeed her for as long as I did. 19 months to be exact, it... Read More

The Selfish Reason I Stopped Breastfeeding…

If you’ve been following me and my writing for any length of time you know that I am a proud breastfeeding mama! I mean I was so excited that with... Read More

School is starting and I’m NOT mad about it…

I was at Tori’s open house last night, fighting the Florida heat as well as trying to maneuver the 4000 people that were also attending. As I was standing outside... Read More

Unexpected Family Friendly Travel Spot… Miami!

It’s that time of year where we take our kids on a little vacation to enjoy summer a bit, away from home. Unexpectedly this year, I ran into passport issues... Read More

5 Tips to Consider for Summer Camps

Let the Summer Fun Begin Summa Summa Tiiiime!!!!…. And here comes all the flyers, emails, and newsletters for all the variety of summer camps for the kiddos to have a... Read More

Best Toys for All Kids Ages 0 to 10

Toys are an enormous source of joy to kids everywhere, and as caring parents, we want the best for our little ones. With all the toys available both in-store... Read More

Life After Divorce

Divorce is something you will never forget, no matter how hard you try to, at first life is a whirlwind. There's a lot of adjusting and a lot of worrying... Read More

Two under Two

Two under Two My Sister and I are the best of friends. We are 15 months apart and grew up very close. I always wanted the same for my kids... Read More

Motherhood; No Experience Necessary

The excitement that I was to become a mom for the first time settled in quickly. I read nearly every self help book on motherhood I could find. What to Expect... Read More

5 ways I’m teaching my daughter to ❤ herself

Truth be told I never saw myself having daughters 👀 I know… My prayer was always for a son. When I found out my 1st born was a boy I... Read More

10 Fun Things to do this Summer

School’s out for the summer!! If you’re following this blog (thank you by the way) you know that we’re a big family. Party of 8 coming through! Having such a... Read More

My Three Dads

It’s unconventional, to say the least, but my three dads all get along fabulously and it makes family events MUCH easier. I’ve seen so many women try to slight the... Read More

Good Fathers vs The System

If you are a parent then you know there are no words that can describe the love you have for your child. Parents will go through hell and back for... Read More

Dear Stepdad, Thank you!

But, if your family is anything like mine, there was no bond at first sight and the “blending” part of a blended family was more like oil and water. At... Read More

Love Personified

I remember one thing that I’ll never forget that I asked him one day when he was walking down the stairs. I said to him “Is it ok if I... Read More

Not a Sperm Donor, A Heart Donor

Donor (noun) A donor is defined as someone who gives or donates something. Synonyms for a donor include but are not limited to; giver, contributor, benefactor, supporter, backer, etc. As... Read More


I've been consistently thinking on perspectives and outlooks on life, and coincidentally my recent devotionals have had a particular focus on it. It confirmed for me how crucial shaping your... Read More

10 Great Books to Read to Help Prevent the Summer Slide

Hallelujah for the summer! If you’re anything like me, you’ve been counting down to the lazy days of summer. Long gone are the days of waking up early and following... Read More

My husband & I date other people!

You hear it time and time again, put your spouse first. Leave to cleave, yada yada yada and we do put each other first. However, we also understand the importance... Read More

Teaching Kids the Value of Budgeting

Unfortunately money doesn’t grow on trees. I really wish it did. Because of this painfully obvious fact, when you have a large family like ours, budgeting is necessary. Turning homeschool... Read More

Mother’s Day Letter to my Little Black Daughters

Hello, my little black daughters. What a difference six months makes! My first letter to you was in October of last year. I planned to write you another one after... Read More

7 Lessons I’ve Learned in the First Year of Motherhood

I’ve made it through my first year of motherhood! Sh*t that was fast! The first year as a single mom has been a beautiful nightmare. One of the most rewarding,... Read More

Bringing Home TRIPLETS!

I felt like I waited for this day forever and couldn’t wait to get home, but now the day has come and I didn’t want to leave the hospital. I’m... Read More

Summer Break is Upon Us

Another Year Gone I can’t believe this school year is complete! My daughter has just completed another grade, 1st grade and we’re on to 2nd…that quickly! I remember when she... Read More

Potty Training 101

So here’s the thing, I don’t want to sound like a know it all or anything, but I think after successfully potty training six kids, I may have the secret... Read More

Letter To My Daughter

They said I was a failure. They said I would never become more than just average. I knew I had greatness in me, but I couldn't move past what they... Read More

The day(s) I became a Mom…

It was surreal, indescribable, it was Magical!Seeing my baby for the first time rocked my world! I couldn't do anything but scream and cry, she was perfect! I couldn't believe she... Read More

Stop Telling Me How to Discipline My Kids!

Ugh! I don’t know what it is about people thinking it’s okay to give their opinions on how to discipline children that aren’t theirs. I mean seriously? Mind your own... Read More

Girls Trip 2.0

She was set on driving in one car together but we couldn't fit both strollers in her car. This was the start of going to dinner becoming a stressful... Read More

My Public Apology to my Brother-in-law! The Mom I Was Sure I Would Be vs. The Mom I Am!

I was adamant, confident, borderline obnoxious about the mother I would be and no one heard it more than my brother-in-law, Tyrell. He was the first of our close friends... Read More


Dear White Moms, You are my friends. You are my sisters. We are the same in more ways than we are different, but there are a few things that I need you to know. I have... Read More

Why Am I Still Trying to Figure This Parenting Mess Out?

All three of my kids are in different sports and activities. Managing a full-time job while being a wife feels like the hats keep piling on. Mommi hat, wife hat,... Read More

My biggest leap of faith: Becoming a stay-at-home mom

After I prayed this prayer, I was not too thrilled with the answer. I had a deep feeling in my gut that it was best to stay home. I... Read More

Babies Come from Sex!

I told his dad that if he was able to logically come up with a question he deserves to hear an honest answer and we both agreed with that... Read More