According to recent studies, ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is more common among Black children than their white and Latino peers. However, fewer Black children receive a diagnosis and treatment.

ADHD can have a lasting impact on a child’s education and career opportunities. Because of this, it’s especially important for Black families to advocate for kids who have trouble paying attention or sitting still in classrooms. Discover how to prepare hyperactive kids for learning so they can have the best chance at success.

A Good Breakfast

Blood sugar levels can directly impact a child’s hyperactivity. By starting the day with a healthy breakfast, kids with ADHD will have fewer blood sugar spikes and dips, which make focusing more difficult. Make sure to avoid sugary cereals that can make hyperactivity worse.

Try Meditation Exercises

Some studies of children with ADHD have shown that meditation and breathing exercises can help children calm down. These exercises don’t need to have any religious or ideological affiliation. Simply teaching your child to take 10 deep breaths when they feel hyperactive can help calm the mind and the body. Older children can even learn to use these exercises without prompting when they feel their hyperactivity starting.

Regular Exercise Is Key

One thing that almost all ADHD researchers agree on is that kids with hyperactivity need regular exercise. If you can, take your child on a short walk before school, even if it’s just to the bus stop. Alternatively, you could have them do morning exercises—such as push-ups or jumping jacks—to release some of their energy.

Play Calming Music

Calm music has also shown a scientific correlation with helping hyperactive kids stay calm. While your child is getting ready for school, you might play classical music or lo-fi hip-hop to get them in the right mindset.

These tips to prepare hyperactive kids for learning can work in a variety of situations. Try them out as a way to prepare your child for speech therapy, school, or homework. Hyperactivity can be a serious obstacle to education, but it doesn’t have to be with the right preparation.