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Motherhood: Is it a Life Sentence?

I Fell In Love With A Rasta Man! I met my husband in February 1982...
May 11, 2019

I’m a Mom…and Four Other Reasons I Need Therapy!

THERAPY... for reasons unbeknownst to me, there’s this stigma in the black community that the...
April 10, 2019
The NO Judgment Zone,

How Could I Let This Happen: My 2 Year old Said the ‘N’ Word!

You know, I was always the type of person that when I heard a child...
April 5, 2019

A Raisin Almost Got Me Locked Up!

Since I have become a mother, I have never felt so inadequate, so consistently unprepared...
March 21, 2019

Play Should Be For All!

Did you know this is the least active generation in history? I mean, I’m sure it comes as no surprise, when you really think about it, long gone are the... Read More

Things You Should Know About Thumb-Sucking

Did you know that around 75 percent of infants will suck their fingers in the first year of their life? However, when parents notice thumb-sucking behavior in their children, they... Read More

Silence After Loss

Silence after loss looks like: Sitting in your clouded mind and all things just seems blanked out from your memory, while your body just feels numb, as if you had... Read More

The Perfect Pregnancy Self-Care Saturday

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey where you learn many new things about your body, along with cravings, emotions, and dreams! However, getting caught up in baby-related things is easy and... Read More

The Best Winter Vacation Destinations for Families

Summer isn’t the only time to go on vacation. Winter travel is popular, too. This year, plan something for the whole crew. Check out the best winter vacation destinations for... Read More

MomminNation Brunch Recap; Why I Chose MommiNation

Have you ever experienced a natural high of good emotions, that you can’t seem to explain or even understand? Well honey, let me be the first to tell you that... Read More

Tips for Enjoying a Virtual Fitness Class

For many moms, it’s easy for personal fitness to take a back seat to all the other responsibilities and concerns in life. But prioritizing your health improves your overall well-being... Read More

7 Tips for Traveling With Children

The thought of traveling with children can bring great anxiety to some people, especially if you are traveling by airplane. But, it does not have to if you follow these... Read More

Nourishing Foods To Try When Trying To Conceive

You will hear a lot of talk about what you can and can’t eat while pregnant. But what about what you can or can’t eat while trying to conceive? In... Read More

Top Ways To Keep Your Baby Happy and Healthy

The day your baby joins the world, everything changes. Your entire focus becomes making your precious child happy and guaranteeing they’re healthy. As a new parent, knowing what to do... Read More

Parent Approved: Guide To Decorating Your Child’s Room

Your bedroom is a safe space where you can make time for yourself. With this Parent Approved: Guide To Decorating Your Child’s Room you can help in making it their... Read More

Easy Ways To Give Back During the Holidays

After the hustle and bustle of Halloween and Thanksgiving, mothers are ready for a break, but thanks to December, it’s not coming soon. You will fight exhaustion while looking for... Read More

Outdoor Activities To Do in Georgia This Winter

Many people can get cabin fever when winter rolls around. As it gets chillier outside there’s still plenty to do outdoors in Georgia! If you’re looking for some outdoor activities... Read More

Jamaican Chicken Noodle Soup for Soul

It’s officially Fall! Which calls for Jamaican Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul! The air is crisp, so it’s time to take out the blankets and hoodies and warmup. In... Read More

How To Start An Online Clothing Store At Home In 5 Steps

How to start an online clothing store at home in 5 steps has become very attainable due to the versatility of the internet. This has allowed online retailers to start... Read More

Engaging Academic Studies To Teach Your Children at Home

Children will absorb lots of information during the school day, but school isn’t the only place children can learn. Parents can incorporate fun learning tactics to develop more engaging academic... Read More

How To Help Your Child Adjust After a Move

Most people do not enjoy huge life changes, and this is especially true for children. It is easy to sympathize with this sentiment as a drastic life change, like moving... Read More

Hobbies That Help Improve Childhood Development

Childhood is a time when children develop and grow the most out of any other time in their lives. They utilize the world around them to make sense of their... Read More

The Basics of Baby Skincare Every Parent Should Know

Babies are prone to certain skin conditions, including dry skin, dandruff, eczema, and even baby acne. During this time, their skin is sensitive, which is why knowing the right bathing... Read More

What To Do When There’s a Shortage in Baby Formula

For months now, we’ve experienced a national shortage in baby formula. Situations like these cause fear, stress, and anxiety for parents who are trying to feed their children. It’s important... Read More

4 Ways To Teach Kids Financial Responsibility

What do you do when your child asks for $200 cash? Like many parents, you’re probably unsure of how to respond. Maybe you fork it over and think nothing of... Read More

4 Ways To Raise Your Baby on an Organic Lifestyle

Raising kids as a Black mother in today’s society is no easy feat. Social and institutional issues affect Black mothers on a constant basis. Still, one way many mothers strive... Read More

How To Help Children Cope With a Parent’s Deployment

When a military service member is in the family, it’s easy for the whole family to experience the effects of their responsibilities. Between frequent moves in between states and long... Read More

Fun Smoothies for the Whole Family

Fun Smoothies for the Whole Family Morning off to a rough start? Have no idea of what to make for breakfast? Try these fun smoothies the whole family will love!... Read More

How To Manage Your Child’s Allergies at School

As the school year begins, it’s time to start preparing your child (and yourself) for school. This includes getting back on healthy sleep schedules and returning their minds to school... Read More