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Motherhood: Is it a Life Sentence?

I Fell In Love With A Rasta Man! I met my husband in February 1982...
May 11, 2019

I’m a Mom…and Four Other Reasons I Need Therapy!

THERAPY... for reasons unbeknownst to me, there’s this stigma in the black community that the...
April 10, 2019
The NO Judgment Zone,

How Could I Let This Happen: My 2 Year old Said the ‘N’ Word!

You know, I was always the type of person that when I heard a child...
April 5, 2019

A Raisin Almost Got Me Locked Up!

Since I have become a mother, I have never felt so inadequate, so consistently unprepared...
March 21, 2019

Tips for Feeling Comfortable During Your First Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful time but can also feel challenging for first-time mothers as your body undergoes numerous changes. Every pregnancy is unique and there is no right or wrong... Read More

Baking for Beginners: 5 Steps To Becoming a Better Cook

Many dread the kitchen because they don’t know what to cook or how to prepare it. Cooking a delicious dinner or baking yummy treats doesn’t have to seem scary. With... Read More

Pregnancy Discrimination: The Facts and Advice

Pregnancy discrimination is the unfair treatment of a woman in the workplace due to pregnancy, childbirth, or any related medical condition. It is illegal. However, the law doesn’t prevent it... Read More

What To Consider When Choosing Toys for Your Child

As parents, we all want the best for our children. We strive to provide them with environments that nurture their growth, creativity, and well-being. One crucial aspect of this nurturing... Read More

Is Your Kid Shy or Could They Have Anxiety?

Some kids are naturally shy, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, anxiety in children can sometimes appear as simple shyness, and anxiety can be distressing for your little one.... Read More

New or Used: Determining Which Car Is Best for You

When you’re in the market for a new vehicle, the choice between new and used is quite heavy. As a busy mom, you need a reliable car, especially one that... Read More

Creating Generational Wealth as a Black Mother

As Black mothers, we have the unique and powerful opportunity to build financial legacies that can last for generations. For many of us, this journey begins with understanding the principles... Read More

Early Prep Steps for Next Year’s Tax Season

Preparing for tax season is a big undertaking, especially for families looking to get ahead or build a nest for the future. It’s vital to start early and ensure that... Read More

Things To Consider if Your Child Plays Little League

Little League is often the first step many children take into the world of organized sports. It’s a time filled with excitement, teamwork, and countless memories. However, for parents, navigating... Read More

Helpful Comfort Items That Can Soothe Your Child

Becoming a new parent is a beautiful, albeit overwhelming, adventure. The moment your little one arrives, you are on a constant quest to ensure their comfort and happiness. This experience... Read More

Navigating as a Black Millennial Sandwich Caregiver

In the whirlwind of generational responsibilities, societal expectations, and personal aspirations, navigating as a Black millennial sandwich caregiver often means finding oneself sandwiched between diverse roles and identities. It’s a... Read More

Top 4 Ways Surrogate Mothers Can Bond With Intended Parents

Motherhood comes in varying forms. For those embarking on the unique yet fulfilling motherhood journey of surrogacy, a strong support group is essential. Carrying and nurturing someone else’s baby can... Read More

Best Age To Invest in a Home Playground Set

There’s something magical about the laughter and joy that permeates the air when children play outdoors. A home playground set not only becomes a focal point of this joy but... Read More

4 Easy Ways To Save Money on Your Child’s Birthday Party

These days, it’s easy to feel the pressure of having to throw the perfect birthday party for your child. With social media showcasing elaborate celebrations, it’s no wonder many parents... Read More

Planning the Perfect Gender Reveal Party: Tips You Need

Gender reveal parties have become a cherished tradition for expecting parents eager to share the joy of their soon-to-arrive bundle of joy with family and friends. This exciting celebration is... Read More

5 Strategies for Getting Your Kids To Play Nicely Together

Sharing life under one roof does not guarantee that your kids will naturally play nicely together. It often requires parents to foster a harmonious play environment that encourages cooperation, empathy,... Read More

Why I Gave Myself Permission To Take A Break!

Do you suffer from mom guilt? What about struggling with wanting to vacation, do more for your career, business or just chill alone but feel as though you aren’t allowed... Read More

Emotional Challenges of Raising a Child With Autism

Raising a child with autism comes with a unique set of ups and downs. Beyond the joy and profound love you feel for your child, you face emotional challenges that... Read More

Hot Tips for Making a Strong Cup of Coffee

Mothers out there know that starting the day with a strong cup of coffee can set the tone for success, even amid chaos. When you’re juggling family, work, and a... Read More

How a Doula Can Help You Navigate Early Motherhood

Entering motherhood is one of life’s most profound transformations. As such, this incredible journey can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially in the early days. This is precisely where a doula can... Read More

Ways To Show Support for Your Child’s Sports Team

When you sign your child up for a sporting experience, you’re signing yourself up as the number one driver, snack packer, and cheerleader. Still, you can do even more to... Read More

Reasons a Hospital Birth Can be the Best Option for You

You’re expecting a baby, and one of the most important decisions you will make is choosing a birth setting that aligns best with your needs, values, and medical history as... Read More

Tips for Getting the Most Enjoyment on Your Family Vacation

As a Black mother, you want your next family vacation to give your loved ones an escape from the stresses of daily life while exploring new destinations. However, your family... Read More

Tips for Starting a Side Hustle as a Busy Parent

Finding the time to start a side hustle can be a major challenge for most parents. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, taking on an extra job seems... Read More

How Mothers Can Help Their Children Have Fun at Prom

Prom night is a milestone event in the quintessential high school experience, and your child is probably eagerly awaiting the day. Even though the night is all about students, moms... Read More