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5 Tips for Keeping Your Family Safe During Bonfires

Bonfires can be an amazing way to enjoy time with your family. They offer a cozy atmosphere, opportunities for storytelling, and the fun of roasting marshmallows. But as with any... Read More

How Mothers Can Help Their Children Have Fun at Prom

Prom night is a milestone event in the quintessential high school experience, and your child is probably eagerly awaiting the day. Even though the night is all about students, moms... Read More

Why Daily Oral Hygiene Habits Are So Important

As a mother, you know that taking proper care of your family’s health is a priority. You cook nutritious meals, make sure the family exercises, and schedule regular checkups with... Read More

How I Became a Cow!

How I became a cow As Black Breastfeeding Week begins, and especially after learning that so many of my Mommination sisters are with child, I wanted to share how I... Read More

Sports Mommi Essentials: A Track Mom’s Guide

Sports Mommi Essentials: A Track Mom’s Guide The job of a mom is the most important job in the world, and we strive to be the best at it. In... Read More

How To Support Different Learning Styles

Students learn in various ways: from imaginary play (visual learning) to listening to a teacher speak (auditory). These four learning styles are developing faster and becoming more noticeable in students.... Read More

Putting The Roe Reversal in Context

PUTTING THE ROE REVERSAL IN CONTEXT MommiNation talks with lawyer and political scientist, Dr. Nikol Alexander-Floyd about how to put the Roe reversal in context. MommiNation: The logic that the... Read More

What Does the Roe Reversal Mean for Black Women?

What Does the Roe Reversal Mean for Black Women? MommiNation sat down with lawyer and political scientist, Dr. Nikol Alexander-Floyd to discuss the Dobbs v. Jackson decision that overturned Roe... Read More

Women’s History Month: Six Ways to Celebrate as a Black Woman

March is Women’s History Month! As Black History Month comes to a close, the celebration continues. Ladies, grab your crowns, because it is our time to shine again! As one... Read More

Ways To Encourage Your Child To Donate to Charity

Donating to charity is a great way to give back, and everyone should lend a helping hand when they can. Black mothers can inspire the younger generation to donate by... Read More

How To Prepare for an At-Home Water Birth

There isn’t a more intimate experience than having a home birth. Laboring at home allows mothers to relax in a familiar space and provides more freedom to move around. Many... Read More

Gifting Made Easy: Clever Gift Ideas for Science-Loving Kids

Whether you need a holiday gift or something for your child’s upcoming birthday, nothing beats tailoring the present to their interests. For example, a little artist may adore a crafting... Read More

Jamaican Plantain Oats Porridge Recipe

Jamaican Plantain Oats Porridge is one of my favorite porridge. It is creamy and oh so rich in taste…yum! Growing up in Jamaica, porridge was the ideal breakfast whether on... Read More

What About My Birth Plan?

Diaper bag ✔ Newborn clothing (my chunkster never fit into those newborn outfits lol) ✔ Hospital  bag✔ Newborn prep class ✔ Nursery ✔ Birth plan✔   With the support of... Read More

How We Fostered A Love of Reading in Our Children

How We Fostered a Love of Reading in Our Children This post has been sponsored by General Mills. All thoughts and opinions are my own.  Books are hands down my... Read More

7 Tips for Getting Back Into Dating After Divorce!

Description: Divorce is always a pain. If you want to handle it and move on, you are in the right place! Here, we’ll give you every detail on reducing emotional... Read More

Fifty five, fit and fab!

Where it all started… I grew up in Kingston, Jamaica. I was a track and field athlete in high school who hated to train but was good enough to roll... Read More

Tips For Stocking Your Kitchen With Clean Eating Foods

Congratulations! You’ve made the first step in your commitment to a healthier lifestyle. How does it feel? Can you feel the pounds melting off already? You are going to look... Read More

365 New Days, 365 New Opportunities

First off, Happy New Year! I said it last year and the year before that and I’m pretty sure almost every year before that but my goodness is time flying!... Read More

Chicken Alfredo Pizza

Hey Mommies! Hopefully your fit mommi journey has been rewarding so far! If not, just pick back up tomorrow and give it your best! The main setback is always the... Read More

Fitness Saved My Life

Remember when all the MommiNation Mombassadors made a video about suicide prevention last summer? Well, that was cuz lil ole me had a little moment of weakness and self-doubt. BUT... Read More

Jump Rope Challenge

Jump rope is one of the best workouts you can do. You’ll burn fat, lose weight, and improve your cardio. Check out this jump rope challenge and join MommiNation's Fit... Read More

I Gave Up Sugar For 30 Days, Here’s What Happened…

We’ve just wrapped up a successful fitness challenge here at MommiNation. It has been amazing seeing all the beautiful mommies get serious about their health. As moms I know the... Read More

Quick and Easy Breakfast Egg Muffin

Since the birth of my second baby girl I find that we eat out and do takeouts more often than when we were a family of three. Gone are the... Read More

Safe abdominal exercises and tips if you have a Diastasis Recti

Is it a mommy belly or something else? Like some mommies on this platform, getting back to pre-baby shape has been an on-going and difficult feat.  I am the mother... Read More

6 Tips to Creating 2021 Vision Boards That You Will Stick With

The beginning of not only a new year, but a new decade is the perfect time to set annual goals. You should set goals for every area in your life;... Read More

Cajun Chicken Quinoa Bowl

Heyyyy Mommination! I know we are all SO excited starting the Fit Mommi Challenge this week! (Go team Fit-Ish Mommies!) Some of us have kept it together since the last... Read More

Eating Healthy in a Food Desert

It’s that time of year where everyone decides that some changes to their diet, love lives, careers, or what have you need to be reigned in. Something about out with... Read More

Prenatal Exercise: Your Power in Your Pregnancy

The Power You Have Over Your Pregnancy: What if I told you the power you have over your pregnancy lies heavily in exercise? Or that one of the first important... Read More

The Best Books I’ve Read All Year

I have always loved reading. As a little girl I looked forward to visiting my local library every three weeks to borrow new books. Reading was my escape. My love... Read More

“Unleash the Courage within You”

My Story Untold: From Victim To Survivor: Business Coach Overcomes Domestic Violence, Now Helps Women Make Six Figures “If I could tell my 17-year-old-self anything it would be that despite... Read More

Have fun with your family using zoom games this Christmas

Christmas is going to look so different for so many people this year including my family. We’ve decided to follow the CDC Guidelines regarding holiday gatherings, which suggest you stay... Read More

I Don’t Listen and I Talk Back – A Blog About Submission

Who wears the pants? Years ago, when Dre and I were just dating I asked him “Babe, do I try to wear the pants in this relationship?” to which he... Read More