March is Women’s History Month!
As Black History Month comes to a close, the celebration continues. Ladies, grab your crowns, because it is our time to shine again! As one of our favorite Mommination tees says, “Black Women are Essential.” Let’s get into how we can make the most of this month by celebrating our legacy of womanhood and excellence.
Here are six ways you can celebrate as a Black woman!
Know your herstory. 
Women’s history is our history. We are born from a long line of ancestors who worked incredibly hard and whose legacies of love and womanhood run deep into our roots. Research one historical Black woman each day during the month of March. Some examples: Ida B. Wells, Henrietta Lacks, Lena Horne, Toni Morrison. Look into your family history as well. Our very own founder, Sanya Richards-Ross is an Olympic record holder with an incredible story.
Lastly, think of how your life and legacy will impact others. What do you want the dashes between your birthdate and passing to mean?
Support Her
Support Black women-owned business. Use your influence to recognize, share and uplift those business. Mommination is not only a blog; We also have a shop full of merchandise available for purchase. Some of our Mombassadors favorite places to shop are Love Iguehi, PlayPits, Black Girl Sunscreen and Mielle Organics. These businesses were some of our sponsors during our Fit Mommi Challenge Cycle Three.
Advocate for her
Become familiar with the politics and current issues impacting Black women. Use your voice to advocate for women’s rights and raise awareness.
Are you familiar with The Crown Act? Otherwise known as “Creating a Respectful Open World for Natural hair”, The Crown Act was created to protect Black women from discrimination based on their natural hair preferences and styles worn in the workplace.
Did you know that Black women have the highest numbers of mortality during childbirth? Charles Johnson, IV, 4kira4moms founder, lost his wife Kira tragically after childbirth due to medical negligence. He created legislation that was passed by Congress, The Preventing Maternal Death Act ((H.R.13.18) on December 21, 2018. His cause is near and dear to our heart. We encourage you to support on any level you can.
Listen to her
Listen to Black women led podcasts.
As your working out, driving home or hiding in the closet for some alone time (we see you Mommi, we get it), tune into some of our favorite Black women led podcasts to make the time pass.
Here are some suggestions:
Therapy For Black Girls-hosted by Dr. Joy Harden,
Dem Black Mamas-hosted by Crystal Tennille Irby, Nekisha Killings, and Thea Monyee
Professional Troublemaker-hosted by Luvvie Ajayi Jones
Ratchet & Respectable with Demetria L. Lucas
Uplift her
“You GO girl!”, “I see you braids!”, “Come through outfit!” Seek ways to uplift, inspire and hype Black women unapologetically. We work hard. It is nice to hear words of affirmation from our peers. Those small acts of appreciation truly can make the difference in someone’s day.
Big up yourselves! Walk by the mirror, straighten that crown, stand tall and remind yourself just how great you are. Listen, those kids survived another day, if that’s not something to celebrate, I don’t know what else is.
Give to her
Last, but certainly not least; Give to her! Put your words to action. Donate your time, resources and talents to Black women focused non-profit organizations.
You can also look into local food and diaper banks in your surrounding areas.
Here are a few we found to get you started:
Never Underestimate Knowledge, Black Teacher Collaborative
Black Girls Code, Black Girls Run, Buy from a Black Woman
Mommination will be launching our own non-profit “Mommination Gives”, please stay tuned for more information on that.
Remember the importance of Women’s History this month and every month. Recognize the impact of supporting Black Women through their businesses, podcasts and daily via words of affirmation. Let your actions speak louder than your words. Donate to local and international organizations. Volunteer your time. We would love to hear about how you implemented all or a few of our suggestions.
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