I am a proud 38 year old momprenuer, wife, mother of 3 beautiful girls and the definition of black girl magic! Yes, you read that right… 38! Thank you mama and grandma for the great genes!
After having years of success in Healthcare IT, I am excited to now be walking in my purpose as an entrepreneur and a mommiBlogger providing love and light to moms, wives & mompreneurs alike. The path to confidence and walking in our true purpose is one that can take us awhile to reach and one that we constantly have to work on. If I can make you laugh, invoke thought or say the things you want to say; then I am doing what I set out to do!
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My Love letter to Vanessa & the girls…
Dear Vanessa, Natalia, Bianka and Capri, The world lost a legend. A man that many...
January 28, 2020
Am I raising a colorist?
My daughter is growing up, before my eyes. She is an honor student, active in...
January 16, 2020

Their Silent Screams
Another sleepless night. It’s day 12 and she still hasn’t been found. The thought of...
January 11, 2020

Laughing at an impending war?
Please let those of us who want to laugh for a few moments, do that...
January 10, 2020

Santa: Jesus’ Homeboy
Ah, It’s Christmas time and while the reason for the season is the birth of...
December 15, 2019

Surviving Your In-Laws
With the holidays approaching, many of us will be surrounded by family and friends. This...
November 28, 2019

Women & Weed: A Candid Conversation Part 3 – We have the final say
You made it! This 3-part series of Women & Weed is coming to an end...
November 23, 2019

Women & Weed: A Candid Conversation Part 2 – Motherhood
Welcome back! Hopefully you have read Part 1 in the Women & Weed series and...
November 16, 2019

Women & Weed: A Candid Conversation Part 1 – Pregnancy
Before we begin, for my novice readers here are some clarifying points (my experienced consumers...
November 9, 2019

How to know when enough is enough…
As time went on, however, daily sex routines turned into once in a while. Date...
October 24, 2019

Mourning Your Single Self
Congratulations! You are in the relationship that you always dreamed of whether you are married...
October 22, 2019

Oops… we did it again!
Please stop the Britney song you are playing in your head and let me tell...
October 16, 2019

Black Women: Justice for All?
If you’ve been with me for a while you’ve already read my first blog in...
September 27, 2019

Black Women: America’s Punching Bag
Brother Malcolm said it best, “The most disrespected woman in America, is the Black...
September 23, 2019

Ten Things To Do While Pregnant UNAPOLOGETICALLY
You’ve found out you are pregnant, Congratulations… I hope. This news, in most cases, is...
September 4, 2019

The Selfish Reason I Stopped Breastfeeding…
If you’ve been following me and my writing for any length of time you know...
August 28, 2019

School is starting and I’m NOT mad about it…
I was at Tori’s open house last night, fighting the Florida heat as well as...
August 22, 2019

Monogamy is Unnatural
“Till death do us part, forsaking all others” those are included in most vows or...
July 29, 2019

Unexpected Family Friendly Travel Spot… Miami!
It’s that time of year where we take our kids on a little vacation to...
July 18, 2019

Body after Baby
It never fails, you always seem to find yourself pregnant at the same time as...
July 10, 2019

Breastfeeding & Sex – The great divide
Breastfeeding, the most beautiful and natural experience that many mothers will have with their little...
June 28, 2019

Juneteenth – A Freedom Celebration
Today, June 19th, is a day commonly known as Juneteenth. Here’s why we should all...
June 19, 2019

My Three Dads
It’s unconventional, to say the least, but my three dads all get along fabulously and...
June 15, 2019

Love Personified
I remember one thing that I’ll never forget that I asked him one day when...
June 13, 2019

She doesn’t remember my name…
The pain of it is still real today like it just happened. I knew it...
June 8, 2019

When They See Us… From A Mom’s Perspective
This weekend I sat down with my entire family to watch NetFlix’s “When They See...
June 4, 2019

My husband & I date other people!
You hear it time and time again, put your spouse first. Leave to cleave, yada...
May 29, 2019

Grab them by the…
“Grab them by the pussy”! Isn’t that what the President of the United States said?...
May 22, 2019

Our Children Are Our Responsibility…
Disclaimer: The details of Maleah Davis’ case are still unraveling so information in this blog...
May 15, 2019

This B!@tch I Know Named “HG”
HG is a bitch and I apologize for the language but she is, there literally...
May 5, 2019

This Dope Mommi Owns A Cannabis Shop!
School Daze The scene: At my daughter’s school helping with the school play. The topic:...
April 20, 2019

Not Just A Stepmom
In the beginning… I met my husband when our oldest daughter was 7 years old....
April 15, 2019

My unforeseen best friend, Teresa
“Nobody can ever love you like I do. Not because they won’t try, not because...
April 12, 2019

The day(s) I became a Mom…
It was surreal, indescribable, it was Magical!Seeing my baby for the first time rocked my world!...
April 11, 2019