School Daze
The scene: At my daughter’s school helping with the school play.
The topic: What we do for a living.
One mom says she is a full-time mom…that answer always annoys me as though people who work outside of the home are somehow, part-time moms?
Moving on… another mom says that she is a nurse at a local hospital. Time feels as though it’s slowing down as the ladies turn to me, here we go!
“And you, what do you do for a living?”
“Well I am a Medical IT consultant by degree and trade and I also own a cannabis business”. It’s like the air is sucked out of the room for a second as the faces of the ladies begin to contort into a confused look. I hear the words “Excuse me, Say that again”.
In the past this instantly made me defensive but I have learned that there is so much misinformation in society surrounding cannabis that dates back to our parents and grandparents. My mission today is to educate and inform and challenge people to put away the social norms of yesteryear and consider the true impact of their current vices and that of cannabis.
Then it continues
“Yes, I own a cannabis company in Oregon. I am an advocate of federal legalization like that of tobacco, alcohol and prescription medications”
“Prescription Medications?!?” She scoffs, “weed is nothing like prescription meds”.
Ahhh the moment I always wait for, an opportunity to educate because she is absolutely right…Cannabis is nothing like prescription meds, in fact it’s SO much better than most prescription medications and have far less side effects; especially for those meds that handle everyday symptoms of anxiety, moderate or chronic pain, insomnia and nausea.
“So, do you drink wine or alcohol of any type”
“Of course, I enjoy a glass of wine. Who doesn’t?”
“If you drink 4 bottles of wine in a setting what will happen to you?”
“I’m not sure where you are going with this but I would assume I would have poisoning of some sort”
“Exactly and its quite possible that you could die from that or at minimum have some possible gastrointestinal problems or kidney problems. Also, take a minute to listen to all the side effects mentioned at the end of some of these pharmaceutical commercials.”
There’s More…
Our conversation continues and I won’t bore you with the details but by the end of it she was more understanding of why I decided to start a cannabis business and the belief I have in the products that we sell. Our goal is to be environmentally conscious so I don’t buy from or sell from any company that uses harsh pesticides on their products. I have done extensive research on methods of consumption and the risks, if any, of those consumption types. We are responsible and we encourage moms to consume, responsibly.
As with most things that people don’t understand, we tend to shame people for their beliefs instead of seeking real understanding. Most things can be resolved with a simple conversation and even if you leave that conversation with differing opinions, at least a level of compassionate understanding can be reached. Cannabis is not the Level 1 narcotic that the government will have you believe which is why it’s on its way to full legalization. It, in fact, has helped so many people deal with things from major disease management to everyday stresses of life. Cannamom’s should never be shamed for choosing a holistic approach to their mental and physical health. Let’s educate before we discriminate.
Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece. Before consuming any product please consult your physician.
Until next time
Mommi Leona

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