Hi, my name is Kendra, and when did I fall in love with motherhood? It was on the day my...
Diaper bag ✔ Newborn clothing (my chunkster never fit into those newborn outfits lol) ✔ Hospital bag✔ Newborn prep class...
Days 1-2: After an entire 17 hours of labor, all I wanted to do was hold and kiss my baby...
In honor of Mother's Day, our mommies shared their stories of the day they became moms!...
Skylar came into this world in her own time. She was not concerned with the plans that had been made...
Pregnancy was nothing new to me as I made a few poor decisions in my late teens, early twenties that...
The day I became a mom is arguably one of the most unorthodox days of my life. For starters, it...
Today is the day, the day I became a mom! They said that today, August 24, 2006 is the day...
The day I became a Mom was nothing like I expected!!! I was fortunate to be in the delivery room...
For most of us we become a mother the day we find out we are pregnant. Our thinking changes. Our...
My Natural Childbirth With Twins: Because I’m Extra Like That! The Day(s) I Became a Mom You’re probably going to...
As a kid growing up, I use to love playing with my dolls and pretend I was the mom and...
Once my water broke things sped up fast. After changing all my clothes and my bedding, (because that was also...
The day I became your mother, my world changed instantly. I wasn’t ready to be a mother, but I am...
Many women would think of the day they gave birth as the day they became a mom. But, if you’ve...
We decided to adopt our son through the foster care system. I talk a whole lot about that here. For...
It was surreal, indescribable, it was Magical!Seeing my baby for the first time rocked my world! I couldn't do anything but...
It was surreal, indescribable, it was Magical!Seeing my baby for the first time rocked my world! I couldn't do anything but...
I was pregnant with my first child at twenty-three years old and two years into my first marriage. It was...
I am filled with so many different emotions whenever I reflect on the day that I became a mom. This...
Finally, the day we had been waiting for was finally here. I thought I would have a natural birth, but...