I remember the day I became a mother like it was yesterday. My husband and I were nervous and excited.

Finally, the day we had been waiting for was finally here. I thought I would have a natural birth, but that didn’t happen. After 23 hours of labor, my doctor decided to do an emergency c-section. I quickly went from being excited to scared.

It seemed like in no time I was in the operating room hearing the doctor say I’m almost there. Then I felt a tug and then I heard him cry. I immediately started to cry. Despite the crazy and unpredictable entrance, my beautiful boy was finally here. It seemed like forever for my husband to bring him over so I could see him. I could hear the joy in his voice. Then that moment came and I saw him and I immediately fell in love. I knew God sent us a gift, a very special and beautiful baby boy.

My heart leaped with joy. I was a mother. I was Jayden Christopher Rucker’s mother. A short time later, I was able to hold Jayden for the first time. I remember being in awe at how perfect he was. His Dad and I conceived him in love.

We knew from that moment that we would love him unconditionally forever, provide for him, protect him, guide him into his purpose, be there for him when he needs someone to talk to, lift him up when he’s down and anything else in between.

The day I became a mother will be a day I forever cherish. My life was changed for the better forever. I’ll spend the rest of my days into eternity loving my son and the two that came after him. I can say being there mother is the greatest joy of my life. I’m so grateful that God chose me to be their mother.

Until next time,

Mommi Hyacinth