Before motherhood
I was adamant, confident, borderline obnoxious about the mother I would be and no one heard it more than my brother-in-law, Tyrell. He was the first of our close friends to become a parent, having his daughter, my goddaughter, while we were all still in college.
Years later when he started dating my sister we spent a lot of time together. From the very beginning Tyrell always prioritized his children. He would visit them every other weekend, almost 4 hours away, and never missed a birthday, Christmas or special occasion. I admired many of his parenting traits but always criticized him for being too lenient on his children.
As a foursome, myself, my sister, my husband and Tyrell, promised each other that we would always be honest, hold each other accountable and challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves. However, every time we had these conversations it always seemed like it ended with Tyrell in the hot seat with all of us giving him parenting advice, my voice being the loudest. “Your job is not to always make them happy and be their friend, Tyrell. You have to be willing to discipline them. Trust me, you want to be the one to do it. Not someone out in the world that doesn’t love them!”
And he wasn’t the only person I judged, by the time I was 25 I had more godchildren than I could count and more mommi friends to criticize. And don’t get me started on strangers. The things I said in my head… “oh your kid’s on a leash?” “Did that little boy just talk back?” Oh no, that would never be me! “When I become a mom, I’ll be all about discipline!” “Left, Left, Left, Right, Left...” My kid would be militant and he’d be happy about it and so would I. I was sure of it! In retrospect, I was completely unqualified to speak so arrogantly about what I would do and the mother I would be.
Ross (I refer to my hubby by our last name) and I decided that we would wait until our athletic careers were over to start a family. I retired in 2016 after the Olympic Trials and no sooner than my pinky toe cleared our hotel room door my husband was ready for me to make good on my promise.
When we started trying to get pregnant, my sister, Shari monitored my cycle, closely, and would call Ross on the days she knew I was ovulating. It was always a dream of ours to have kids at the same time and within six months of her great news, I got mine.
I surprised Ross on Christmas Day and my pregnancy journey started off like a fairytale. For the majority of my pregnancy I didn’t feel pregnant, I had no morning sickness or adverse effects. It was life as usual and I just knew I was going to kill this parenting thing like I always envisioned.
Becoming a mom
Well, I’m assuming Deucey overheard some of my conversations in utero about my plans for mommihood and made his first protest at birth! When Shari gave birth, I was in the room. It was such a beautiful miracle to witness. My sister’s strength and vulnerability were inspiring and I knew if she could do it, and my mother could do it (twice), I was built for it. My plan was to deliver naturally, with no medication. I labored and labored for hours without medication, eventually giving in to the pain. I opted for the epidural, but still hoped to give birth vaginally. Nope, Deucey wasn’t having it. He was staying in and if we wanted him out we’d have to come get him.
In the end, I had an emergency C-section. That was the beginning of every perfect vision I had about parenting being flipped on it’s head and confronting the mother I was sure I would be.

Mommihood in real life
From the moment I met my son I knew I would have a hard time telling him no. Kids do something to you, it’s a mesmerizing, life changing love. I thought I understood the depths of Tyrell’s love for his children but I had no idea. My little prince was here and I would do anything to make him happy!

Instead of the stark disciplinarian I envisioned I would be, I found myself choosing his smile and laughter over structure. I’m still breastfeeding my Deucey even though I’m 100% sure that it is solely for comfort. I haven’t taken any of the necessary steps to start the weaning process. It’s bad. Like really bad. He nurses upwards of 10 times a day. He just walks up and pulls my shirt down, even stands up to feed. I am prisoner to his wants and although I get frustrated, and long for these days to be behind me, I succumb every time.
I’m also the mom that hides in the bathroom when my husband rightfully disciplines our son because it makes me, the one who thought she would be a drill sergeant, cringe. Roll around on the airport floor to keep him entertained and not screaming his head off? Disgusting. Yeah, I do that too. In some ways, I’ve become the exact type of mom I judged on countless occasions, and the mom I told Tyrell I would never be!

I’m certain God has a sense of humor when it comes to teaching us compassion. The things we boldly stated that we’d never do are the very things we find ourselves rationalizing and implementing into our own lives. I believe it’s God’s way of reminding us that we are much more alike than we are different.
So Tyrell, accept my sincerest apologies! You’re an amazing Dad!
If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a parent it’s that every parent needs a little space and a lot of grace. Everyday we pick our battles and do our best to nurture, protect and guide our children to become the best that they can be. It isn’t easy and there is no right or wrong way to love and support a child.
There is one thing that did hold true though; I always knew I’d love being a mommi! I can’t wait to share so much more and I’m grateful you joined me on MommiNation to read about it! Follow my family on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and catch my weekly blogs right here!
With love,
Mommi Sanya
P.S Be sure to comment below! Are you the mom you thought you would be? Can’t wait to hear your stories!
T. Smith
March 5, 2019 3:19 amAs long as you are being the best mom you can be…. then you are in fact that…. the best mom…..
Sanya Richards-Ross
March 9, 2019 4:41 amThank you so much!!!!
Stasia G.
March 5, 2019 5:38 amSani, thank you for putting yourself out there. I was in the room last fall when my goddaughter was presenting herself to the world. After seeing what her mom went through during delivery, I have a new found respect for you mothers.
March 5, 2019 6:23 amWe all have that plan until the little precious one makes their way into the world. Parenting has no handbook and we have to do the best we can to make sure we are creating loving, honest and respectful human beings.
*I’m still nursing my almost 2 year old and haven’t started weaning either * 🙂
Sanya Richards-Ross
March 9, 2019 4:42 amThank you! Hey, we’re in it together!!!
March 5, 2019 12:10 pmI became a new mom at 25 and I had a plan in my head that motherhood and parenting would go my way. Boy was I wrong! Thank you ladies for blogging and sharing. I feel seen ????
Sanya Richards-Ross
March 9, 2019 4:42 amThis makes me so happy! This is exactly what we hoped would happen!!!! #MommiNation
Jasmine Perkins
March 5, 2019 2:22 pmGreat read, I appreciate your transparency!
March 5, 2019 8:17 pmI’m not mommy yet, but, I’ve been there, thinking what I would or wouldn’t do, and that my would never do such and such. At this point, I just pray my future children are intelligent, well-rounded and obedient.
Sanya Richards-Ross
March 9, 2019 4:43 amThat’s the best way to be!!!!!
March 6, 2019 1:22 amI am definitely the disciplinarian in my house due to the fact that my oldest 3 kids are girls. And everyone knows that most daddies are suckers for their girls. Now that I have my son who is 20 months old, I am definitely a sucker for him. I am still nursing him too by the way and we dont see an end in sight. He is what my daughters call him, “spoiled”,lol. So I know how you feel.
Sanya Richards-Ross
March 9, 2019 4:44 amHaha! Thanks for sharing.
Dyan Daley
March 6, 2019 10:51 amSanya thank you for sharing. People out there who have never bred kids don’t fully get this. They think we spoil our kids, hell no we don’t we just go above and beyond to ensure their happiness. Phenomenal story.
Sanya Richards-Ross
March 9, 2019 4:44 amThank you!!!! Amen to that!
March 9, 2019 10:39 pmMy story is a little different but this blog post really resonated with me. For the first 3 years of my son’s life, I particularly took on the role of the disciplinarian and followed your views prior to Deucey being born. Being that I was in a same-sex marriage and was the provider, I wasn’t able to spend as much time with him as I would have liked. With my military background and the fact that he is a boy, I wanted to make sure he knew that the Alpha in the house was not him, lol. As what happens when God wants a change, things were turned over on its head and I’m now in a single mom role and have become super maternal in these past months. My more strict, disciplinarian role has now shifted to meeting his emotional needs and wants and giving in to him wanting extra cuddles or to sleep up under me in his need for comforting times. It made me chuckle when you wrote about how you were post-birth because I feel like I’m in the same mode of operation for now. His smile or him saying “I love you Mama” can turn me into putty.
Velecia Di’Shaun
March 30, 2019 6:32 amThis was such a great read! I’m no where near the Mom I thought I would be yet grateful every single day for the opportunity to be one.