The earlier your child is seen by a dentist, the better it is for their teeth for the rest of their lives. Poor oral health in children is linked to poor performance in school and poor social relationships. Cavities (tooth decay) can lead to trouble concentrating, pain and other health issues. Prevention is key, and that is why pediatric dental care is important.

When should my child have their first dental visit?

Most pediatric dentist will tell you by the age of 1 or when the first tooth erupts. This is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. This creates great learning habits for your child. It also keeps their teeth nice and healthy.

How often should my child see a dentist?

Children should have regular routine visits every 6 months unless recommended otherwise. Your child will have X-rays (if needed, a full exam, cleaning and fluoride (fluoride is optional). These visits will also determine if your child needs treatment.

Things to avoid saying to your child when preparing them for a dental visit.

Most children fear being seen by a dentist. Parents should encourage their child that these visits are good for them and let them know they are safe. Try to avoid these four letter words when having conversations with your child about their upcoming visit: Shot, Hurt, Pain. Instead, try to use words like: Sleep Juice/Medicine,Toothbrush,Wiggle tooth, Sugar Bugs.

6 tips to prevent your child from getting cavities

1. Brushing twice a day (morning + night)
2. Flossing
3. A well balanced diet
4. Drinking water throughout the day (limited sugary drinks)
5. Routine Dental visits
6. Change out their toothbrush every 4-6 months

Dental care is so important and easily missed. You want to be sure to find a pediatric dental office that fits best for your child. If your child doesn’t have a dentist yet, you can reach out to family and  friends. You can also search online for a local dental office, or seek a referral from your pediatrician’s office . Remember brushing and flossing twice a day will keep the sugar bugs away!


Mommi Davita