After finding out I was pregnant with triplets, read all about that in PART I, so many questions came to mind. I’m 4’11, 125 lbs soaking wet. How would I be able to carry 3 healthy babies to full term (34-35 weeks is considered full term for triplets) in my petite body? How would it feel having 3 babies (6 arms and legs) moving and kicking around? I knew a lot of people who had twins, but not triplets. I only saw that on tv. I had no one I could turn to, to answer any of my questions or comfort me about the unknown.
Triple hormones
Early in my pregnancy, what is known as morning sickness, became morning, noon and night sickness for me. I was literally sick to my stomach. I had triple the amount of hormones in my body than a woman who is pregnant with one baby. Crazy right?! I barely left the house because I threw up everywhere I went. I was considered high risk of course, because there were 4 lives that had to be monitored including mine. I had OB visits every 2 wks and I also had to see a perinatologist (specialist for high risk pregnancies). After speaking with my doctor, she advised me she wouldn’t let me go past 34 weeks pregnant and would have to take the babies out via C-section. With my small body frame as I got bigger it would put myself and the babies lives at risk if I went past 34wks. So that was my goal! Each week that past was a milestone for me. One step closer to carrying my babies to full term.
Goodbye freedom, hello bedrest…
At 5 months
Some women at 5 months are just starting to get a little baby bump and here I was with a full on penguin walk, could barely breathe, looking like I was about to give birth, and Braxton Hicks contractions (false labor contractions which felt like real ones) all day, every day.
Triple Threat
Because I was pregnant with triplets, that meant ONE good thing, I got to see the babies more often since I had to get checked frequently. Another reason I had to get checked so often was
My WEEKLY schedule:
•Cardiologist for my heart issues
•OBGYN Visits
•Perinatologist (High-risk doctor)
•Hematologist 2x a week for iron infusions

This became a
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
At 32 weeks exactly, my dad was driving me to my hematology appointment for my iron infusion, and he looked at me with such a worried look on his face and told me I needed to call my doctor because I wasn’t looking good at all. My eyes were sunken in and had dark circles. Besides my belly getting bigger by the minute I was losing weight because I couldn’t eat and hadn’t eaten in 2wks. Nothing would go down. I could barely walk. I looked like a zombie. At this point, I was getting delirious and delusional. These babies were sucking the life out of me. After my appointment, I called my doctor and told her I couldn’t do this anymore, these babies needed to come out now and I felt like I was going to die. These babies were about to kill me. She made a phone call and told me
Triple Joy
August 15, 2018, at 33 weeks (1 week shy of my goal) I delivered my triple healthy blessings, thankfully without any blood transfusions or serious complications:
Baby A~ Jewel
Baby B~ Jhem Maya ~3lbs 3oz
Baby C~ Jhené Marley ~4lbs
After spending nearly 2 weeks in the hospital for severe dehydration and seeing countless specialists, I was finally cleared to go home. Unfortunately this meant going home without my babies who needed to stay in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) to be monitored.
I hope you enjoyed reading, just as much as I loved sharing my story! Comment below, I would love to hear some of your amazing/challenging pregnancy stories.
Until next time,
Mommi Diane
Yvonne Dixon
March 26, 2019 8:49 pmHi Diane! I loved reading about your pregnancy with your triplets. Although I only have one child, I can relate to the pregnancy issues you had. There was never a dull moment. I love your pics! The babies are gorgeous! Can’t wait to keep reading.
March 26, 2019 8:55 pmMrs Robinsons I enjoyed reading your story.You are really a super mom from 2 to 5 babies wow. You and your babies look so healthy,hats off???? to you,you did well bringing those beautiful babies in this world.
March 26, 2019 9:24 pmI had a 3 lbs 31 week preemie. I definitely could relate to your NICU journey and pictures. I could not sleep being pregnant with one baby, so I can only I imagine the struggle with three.
March 26, 2019 9:52 pmI never knew the girls were born on Jason’s bday 8/15! I was so busy wanting Grace to get out of my belly that I could barely keep up with you. We were both miserable- you 3xs worse I’m sure! Xoxo
March 27, 2019 12:55 pmMEMORIES!!! Lol. You are my shero!! I’m sooooo proud of you! Reading this made me so emotional. I remembered every moment in every sentence you wrote. You are phenomenal. You carried those lil beauties like a champ!!
March 28, 2019 11:48 pmYou have no idea how you helped me through this pregnancy! You are the original Shero and I tell you all the time. From tips and encouraging words and just being a listening ear while I needed someone to vent to about my everyday challenges. Thank you! We went through this pregnancy together ????
March 28, 2019 11:51 pmThe struggle was real! We have some little fighters. They are so strong. These little babies make us stronger women! March of Dimes is coming up for preemies. Are you going to that?
March 28, 2019 11:53 pmThank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story! Thank God the babies were healthy. Stay tuned for more!
Ashley H
May 9, 2019 9:27 pmI can definitely relate to your story. I experienced the all day, every day vomiting and nausea with both my girls. I was constantly being admitted for dehydration. I passed out a couple of times with both pregnancies as well. They both ended up in the NICU. It was pretty difficult but i made it. They are now 8 and 3!
God Bless You and those beautiful girls!
Marcelyn lewis
July 19, 2019 9:34 amBeautiful story. I enjoyed reading about your triplet and all five of your kids are beautiful. Congratulations on your journey and continue to be a great mom. I myself have five kids 4 girls and one boy no twins no triplet lol, however I can totally relate to part of your story being anemic, I pass out after having my 4th child,(my son) I went to shower after giving birth and the nurse did not explain to me that I have lost a lot of blood during delivery, she simply asked me for I was able to shower on my own and I said yes, I thought I felt fine at that moment not knowing what was about to happen, Thank God someone found me in time. May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family, I will read your other stories later.
September 23, 2019 6:27 pmWow what an amazing story. You were tiny but very strong. The triplets also we’re born healthy with a good weight on them. You have a beautiful family. God saw fit to choose you and your husband for this journey. You are an awesome mommy.