Meet Jodie 
Mommi of 2
Celebrity HairStylist, Atlanta
What is your untold story?
I always wanted to be a stylist but was always told they don’t make enough money and I’d be on my feet all day …so when I decided to go to University for business and finance. Then I got pregnant with my son Ethan. When he was born I chose to go to cosmetology school, which usually takes a year and a half (1500hrs) but I let my mum have Ethan, and I finished school in 9 months going day and night to finish. Having Ethan forced me to chase my true passion and for that, I am truly grateful… and don’t ever let anyone tell you you can’t make good money doing anything. If you work hard and bring value you can always demand your worth.
How long have you been doing hair?
I’ve been doing hair for a long time. I officially got my license 14 years ago!
When did you become a mom?
I became a Mom for the first time in 2005, 14 years ago. I was 22 years old.
Did you always want to be a mom?
How did becoming a Mommi change you?
Growing up I was spoiled and 200% dependent on my parents so becoming a mom forced me to mature, become independent find stability and get focused. It gave my life true purpose.
What are your workdays like?
I work 24/7. Literally! I’m either on set or at home with a full clientele. I’ve been very blessed to work with some of Atlanta’s most popular peaches and grow a social presence that keeps me very busy. As a single mom who wants to provide as much as I can for my children I don’t turn down much work. Many days I’m up at 6 am and working until 2 am. I know I won’t be able to work at this pace forever so while I can, I’m committed to working as hard as I can for as long as I can.
What do you do when your child is sick and you have a client booked?
Fortunately, I work from home so I am still able to work. This is one of the reasons I chose to work from home because my schedule is extremely demanding so even though I’m working I’m still home in between clients I can parent lol instead of being in a salon and never being home.
How do you balance it all as a single mom?
With a whole lotta help !!! I’m a praying woman so God first. I have an awesome nanny and a life coach.
What advice would you give to another stylist trying to breakthrough in the industry?
My advice would be to find a passion. There are many ways to express yourself as a stylist so you have to find out what you love and work hard at perfecting it. You can work on set, you can specialize in natural hair, weave, color and so much more. Then as always, I say you should pray about it, pursue it and let God lead the way.
What has been your most challenging obstacle as a stylist to celebrities?
The toughest thing about having a big clientele is making sure I can fit everyone in. Atlanta is kinda small so most celebrities hang in the same circle. Which means when one goes out, they all going out, so I have to make sure I can get them all done for them to venture about their day. Most of the times this would run smoothly except for somebody is always late and that throws off the entire day.
What are you most proud of as a mother?
I am most proud that I am able to love and support my kids, I’m proud that I am able to be there for them whenever they need and want me.
What quick tips and tricks can you give to our girl moms about healthy hair maintenance for their daughters?
Mommies, please stay away from tight little ponytails and tight headbands and braids with weave. They are children let them be that way. We are ruining our kid’s hair and edges with all this tension just for them to look what they perceive as cute !!
What’s your biggest pet peeve as a mom?
My biggest pet peeve for MY kids is when they don’t apply themselves they way I know they can. Whether it’s their grades, in sports or in life in general. I don’t expect perfect but I do require and expect their TRUE best.
If you could change anything about your motherhood experience what would it be?
Nothing, everything goes according to Gods plan!
If you could relive one Mommi experience in life, what would it be and why?
Childbirth my kids are the best thing I could ever ask for.
Who is your nation and how do you depend on them?
My nation is everyone who contributes to my success as a mother, person, and stylist… and I’m blessed to have quite a few people that do that.
Thank you so much MommiNation.
Jodie Rowlands
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