Meet Roxanne Cowans

Mommi of 2

MommiNation, Mombassador

Did you always want to be a Mommi?

In all truth, no I did not. That is one of my untold stories after having my first child. I remember back in high school my friends and I had little talks about how we saw our future. Marriage, family, lifestyle and careers of course. Everything sounded great, except the part about marriage and family. My mindset was fixed on going to college and having a corporate job. My goals actually started to include kids after I met my first husband about 4 years into our relationship I agreed to his need of us starting a family. I became a mom for him. Who can relate?

What do you love most about being a Mommi?

First of all, it’s a blessing and privilege to be a mother and I don’t take it for granted. I love seeing the development in my children. Watching them grow, learn and become independent is a beautiful experience. It always amazes me how their little minds develop so quickly. They just grow too fast right!?


Being from Jamaica what are some of the customs that you continue with your children and what are some that you’ve adopted from the US?

I continue our Jamaican Christmas Holiday Tradition of intimate family celebration with lots of food, music and our traditional Jamaican Rum Cake which my husband makes the best. However, I’ve adopted the American custom of Halloween Trick or Treating with the push from my husband.


What is the biggest difference in the Mommi hood culture in Jamaica vs America?

The biggest difference is definitely the parenting style in the Mommi hood culture in America. There’s an importance to build that Mommi/daughter/friend relationship and the children are given the opportunity to be expressive in America. Whereas in Jamaica the Mommi hood culture is big on discipline and children have to do what they are told without explanation and much reasoning. Our Jamaican Mommies are pretty darn strict! Well at least in my childhood years.

You’ve started a new business tell us more about it?

Yes, absolutely! I’m super excited to announce that while I’m raising my babies, I’m raising my new business that is helping others achieve their financial goals. I’ve joined the FES Team and I literally work from anywhere. We are a Financial Literacy company and Credit Restoration is our flagship product. It is our mission to educate on all matters of personal finance, help individuals get their buying power back, build residual income from home and become debt free.

When you think of it, if you don’t know how to use credit, manage money, and build residual income, it is likely that your children will not know as well. These are real life issues that are not discussed in our families nor schools. I’m excited to be part of a life changing mission. Sharing information I learn daily about Credit & Financial Literacy and helping others achieve their financial goals. Guess what, so can you too? If you love to genuinely help people and see others win, then I am excited to connect with you.

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How can someone interested in your Business Services and Business Opportunity contact you?

Thanks for asking! Anyone interested in Credit Restoration and/or to Join our Team of Consultants can schedule a FREE Phone Consultation or provided their information below and I will be in contact within 24 hrs.



Be sure to FOLLOW ME on Instagram and Facebook Thank you!


What are some of your challenges as a work from home Mommi?

I would quickly say managing work, children and being a wife is challenging. It was a big struggle in the beginning for me. I have improved but there is always room for improvement. I found myself neglecting one or more area not intentionally but through passion of finding my purpose got obsessed with my new life and had to learn how to make the transition successful for my girls and husband that had access to me all the time.

To be very transparent, yes I’m about to pull out another one of my untold stories. But my husband was not very excited with this transition in the beginning. Took him sometime to adjust and be fully supportive. I think I got an idea for a blog lol! I do put a lot of pressure on myself and sometimes it leaves me burnt out. But let me add that we need to remember we as moms raising our babies and/or businesses matter in the mix of everything and we must prioritize self-care. Self-care is a MUST!


What are you most proud of as a Mommi?

My proud moments are seeing my children displaying love, affection, care and kindness not only towards me but also towards each other as siblings and towards their friends. The world sure needs more love and compassion and it starts with us teaching our children these values in our homes.

What is your Untold Story?

Being a Mombassador and blogging with MommiNation has allowed me to share many of my untold stories. Opening up and sharing my experiences has been a healing process for me. Yes I still struggle with a few things but I believe those healing will come. My untold story is that I viewed myself as an insignificant stay at home mom. I struggled with this greatly after relocating to Texas and thanks to my support nation they kept me together. I found new meaning to how I saw myself after blogging with Mommination and venturing into my new business that is adding value to many peoples lives. I’m walking and living on purpose, sharing my journey, inspiring others and helping individuals achieve their goals. Big love and many thanks to you Sanya Richards Ross for seeing something in me that I couldn’t see. Big love to the nation – Mommination!



If you can relate with Roxanne Cowans journey or would like to connect with this amazing boss mommi and wife of army veteran, be sure to contact her above as mentioned and let her know you read her Mommies Untold Stories at Mommination.