One great way to lead the charge for change in your community is by participating in charitable activities with your family. Philanthropic activities are beneficial for many reasons. One of which is to bring families closer together. They also teach valuable lessons about compassion and giving, and enhance the community. Get ready to lend a helping hand with these charitable activities you can do with your family.

Clean Up the Neighborhood

Cleaning up your neighborhood is a great way for families to work together and give back to their local community. Not only does this act give participants a sense of pride and accomplishment, but it also helps beautify the area and creates a safer and healthier environment. This charitable activity serves as an important reminder that even small actions can have big impacts on a community.

During clean-up activities, families can engage in many ways. They can have meaningful conversations, learn new skills, bond with each other, and positively impact their neighborhoods. Furthermore, cleaning up litter prevents materials from entering storm drains and waterways, where they can cause pollution.

Pro Tip

When cleaning the neighborhood, remember to wear protective gear, such as gardening gloves, to prevent injuries to your hands.

Organize a Charity Drive

A charity provides an opportunity for family members to come together to support a meaningful cause they truly believe in. First, decide on an organization you’d like to help. Sit down as a family and give everyone an opportunity to vote on the cause you’ll support. If your family decides they want to focus on helping the environment, consider ways to sustainably recycle small electronics. You can collect these items and bring them to a recycling center or donate gently used devices to humanitarian charities.

No matter what organization you collect for, you need to let others know why the cause matters, especially when asking for support. Consider posting about your charity drive on social media so that you can explain the cause you plan to support.

The final charitable activity you can do with your family is donate books to hospitals. This is a great way for families to come together and perform charity work. Reading provides comfort and entertainment during difficult times. Reading can also help pass the time between a patient’s treatments and appointments.

Gather used books from around the home or go to the local thrift store to collect a range of stories for all ages. Most hospitals will gladly accept book donations that are in decent condition for their patients.

Charitable work creates an opportunity for your children to learn about giving back and supporting others in need—an invaluable life lesson that will stay with them as they grow older.