A 27 years old mommi to Carter Adrian. I live in Boston, MA. I named my blog TheWineDrinkingMom, well for obvious reasons, I love a nice glass of wine and since giving birth to my son it has been important to me to stay true to who I was before becoming a mother (something mothers often forget to do).
As I transitioned to Mommi Blogger, my goal has been to share my experiences, perspectives, thoughts and opinions as a young, working, black millennial mother just trying to “live my best life.” So, grab a glass and follow me as I blog about the things people don’t want to talk about, the things people may be too embarrassed to talk about and the things everybody is talking about.
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365 New Days, 365 New Opportunities
First off, Happy New Year! I said it last year and the year before that...
January 20, 2021

The Strength of a Single Mother
First off, the strength of a mother is unmatched, but it requires a little extra...
November 11, 2020

Our first Father’s Day Without Daddy
I suppose I should feel Sad. When I envisioned myself becoming a mother I pictured...
June 18, 2020

Who Says the Fun Has to End After Motherhood?
The moment I told my mother I was pregnant, the first thing she said was,...
May 8, 2020

Relax… It’s Only Hair
We all have a hair story I can remember being 12 and deciding I wanted...
April 28, 2020

Don’t Just Survive Quarantine Season… STAY LIT!
By now I think we've used this word more in the past week than we...
March 20, 2020

How do you stay looking so good? 5 Tips for Moms to keep up with themselves after kids
If I had a dollar for every time someone made reference to the fact I’ve...
March 6, 2020

The Wine Down: 10 Tips for Beginner Wine Drinkers
Now I wouldn’t go calling myself an expert, but I mean they don’t call me...
February 18, 2020