When I was a kid! I played basketball ALL the time! I loved playing solo and developed a lot of bad habits in the process. Evidentially I taught myself this weird formation of a jump shot and it left my jump shot inconsistent. My mom would say… “don’t block your blessings” meaning that my off shooting hand was literally blocking my own shot! Like for real… the blessing in this analogy, was a 2 point field goal, and I was blocking that blessing by my own left hand! LOL Silly Analogy, but you should have seen my crazy jump shot. LOL! Eventually, I got

Get out of your way!
“Don’t block your blessings” has stood with me all these years. And often when I get in my own way, I think about how much I “block my own blessings” even now off the basketball court. When I reflect, I wonder how many opportunities I have said no to, or yes to.. that resulted in a blocked blessing.

Find quiet time to pour into yourself
Just recently I have carved out some quiet time to really lay out the vision I have for my life. I want to really take ownership of what opportunities I am too afraid to take on. This morning I made time to visualize the life God has promised me when he said I am “more than a conqueror.” This quiet time was so terrifying and yet so valuable, and it was a great way to pour back into myself.
As mothers, we spend so much time pouring into the lives of our children that we forget to pour into ourselves too. I know that by neglecting myself and my dreams I am in essence blocking another blessing.

When I was playing basketball I would spend hours visualizing a free throw going in, now I am going to use that same energy to visualize where I want to be and allow myself the courage to take the steps to get there. Starting today and with the help of God…. I’m going to stop “blocking my blessings.”
Fear Not! Go get your blessings
Fear is a great paralyzer! And lately, I have been praying that God would give me the courage to make some bold moves and get out of my own way. Since I am traveling down that road, I wanted to inspire you to do the same!
The thing I love most about MommiNation is that there is truth in the phrase #IttakesaNation and together we can go further! So…. Girl! Stop blocking your blessings!
xo- Chantea
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Check out my other blog posts, Three Things I would Never Say Out loud! HERE.
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