As moms we do not have a lot of (or any) time to ourselves. However, here are a few quick escapes I suggest for your own sanity. Your household can only be at its best when mommy has some semblance of inner peace and happiness.
1. Go To a Movie: Yes……by yourself. Find the time to sneak away in the middle of the day and go see the newest movie. If you are feeling especially daring, grab a bag of popcorn AND candy. You deserve it!

2. Get a Foot Massage: I really recommend a full body massage, but the timing necessary for that might take an act of Congress. Foot massages are proven to improve circulation, serve as a stress reliever, decrease anxiety, help with migraines and so much more.
3. Wine & Painting: Grab your closest girls, or hell….just grab some other moms that you are slightly cool with, but also need time away just like you.
4. Girl’s Trip: If you have the funds, you should absolutely go to some of my favorite places like the Bahamas, Monaco, Greece or Marrakesh. However, most cities have at least one bed and breakfast, or small vineyard or an all day spa that can serve as your girl’s trip.
5. Take a Class: Did you know that many cities have adult ballet or urban dance classes? Have you ever thought of taking a pottery class? What about a gourmet cooking class? Many of these classes only require one hour a week from your busy schedule.
6. Write a Book: You know that book you say you are going to write every year? Do it! Set aside time weekly and dedicate it to writing. Self publish it!

Even after all of these suggestions, the first thing you have to do is give yourself permission. Give yourself permission to take a break. I would even bet that if you asked your doctor about these suggestions, she might even give you a prescription to do at least one of these monthly.
It doesn’t matter what you do, it just matters that it is for YOU and only YOU! It’s okay to be selfish once a month.
Thank you for reading and until next time, much love and peace.
Mommi Talia
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