Pregnancy is a beautiful and fulfilling period in a woman’s life, but it can also present a unique set of challenges. Daily demands on your physical, mental, and emotional health can leave you feeling drained and uninspired. It’s important to give yourself grace as you navigate uncharted territory. Do yourself a favor and consider these 4 self-care tips to implement during pregnancy.

Prenatal Yoga

Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety and calm your mind whether you’re pregnant or not. However, prenatal yoga classes are specifically designed to teach relaxation techniques that are beneficial during labor and childbirth. Prenatal yoga poses will also help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and ease pain in your lower back. Consistently practicing yoga throughout your pregnancy will help you feel more centered and prepared to welcome your little one into the world.

Spend Time Outdoors

An easy way to boost your mental health and mood is to spend quality time outdoors. Although the physical challenges of pregnancy can be overwhelming at times, it’s beneficial to take a short walk in the sunshine if you’re able, and breathe in fresh air. If taking a stroll around your neighborhood is not possible, simply sit outside on a comfortable chair, elevate your feet, and spend some time reading a good book.

Draw a Warm Bath

Another self-care tip to implement during pregnancy is a luxurious, warm bath. Keep in mind that hot baths aren’t considered safe during pregnancy. Be sure to keep the water temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Relaxing in a warm bath provides a great at-home spa experience because you can easily create a tranquil environment with soft music and candles. If you purchase an expandable bathtub caddy, you can even read a book or watch a movie on your tablet while you’re soaking.

Prenatal Massage

A prenatal massage can be a great way to alleviate some of the common muscle aches and joint pains associated with pregnancy. The calming effects of therapeutic massage can also help reduce anxiety and decrease symptoms of depression. Swedish massage is the recommended massage method during pregnancy because it targets common hormone-related skeletal and circulatory discomforts. Swedish massage also relaxes muscle tension and improves blood and lymphatic circulation. Before scheduling an appointment, you should discuss the benefits and risks of massage during pregnancy with your prenatal care provider.

Pregnancy can be filled with a wide range of emotions. However, these self-care tips are designed to help you relax and enjoy the experience. Before you know it, you’ll be holding your sweet baby in your arms and preparing to embark on one of the most special adventures of your life.