Another Year Gone
I can’t believe this school year is complete! My daughter has just completed another grade, 1st grade and we’re on to 2nd…that quickly! I remember when she was a toddler around 1 or 2 years old I would think to myself I’m excited to reach the school-age years to see her interact with her classmates and participate in all the activities elementary school has to offer. I never knew it would come so quickly! She has never attended daycare, I’m fortunate to not have had to put her in there, but with that, she had no classroom interaction until she reached preschool. Some would argue that it’s unhealthy for her social skills but it’s worked just fine for us! Chandler B is the most sociable and outgoing little girl you would ever meet! I think it made her more receptive to meeting new children and making new friendships. This week marks another milestone to add to our memory book together, we’ve made it through so much this year and balanced it better than I expected. You see as a single mommi it’s all a balancing act. Working full time, completing homework each evening, getting her fed and keeping her entertained is no easy task. With such an active and outgoing daughter, we are involved in quite a few things so it’s no going straight home every evening. So I can see why this school year has passed by like a blink of an eye, because you know what they say, “time flies when you’re having fun!”

Chandler B working on one of many school projects this year.
Summer Pros
So I’m that Mommi who is celebrating with her child that school is over and we have a little freedom. I may be a big kid myself, or it could be because I enjoy my time with my mini me so much that I’m ready to hang out passed her 8pm bedtime, watch movies and not have to make her go to bed. All week we’ve blasted our favorite songs on the radio on the way to school each morning, counting down the days until school is officially out! She’s excited and so am I! No more homework at night although we will still read 1-3 books per day to make her reading list to continue the habit and nurture her love for reading. I’m excited about the more relaxed schedule and not having to stick to strict guidelines each day, with my personality I like to go with the flow and my daughter is the same way. We enjoy our quality time together doing whatever makes us happy, I’m so blessed to have the gift of her life each day, she is an extraordinary little girl and I could not imagine my life without her! I have a few summer camps lined up for her that she is particularly excited about, each of them are day camps and last only 1-2 weeks at a time. I try not to load her summers down to make sure she has that free time because summer breaks aren’t that long anymore. Being that Mommi isn’t a huge planner haha, we have some beach trip ideas but nothing set in stone. We will usually decide a week or two in advance…I know, don’t judge me! …What are some summer fun activities that you have planned? Do you allow your children to go to summer camps? Talk to me!

Enjoying a day on the River Walk
Summer Cons
We all know with any pros there are cons, right? Well, summer is great and all until the fridge is depleting as fast as you’re filling it up. I have one little girl but she eats like a grown man sometimes. She’s a 4 meals a day type of person and an all-day “snacker,” healthy snacker, but she must have something on hand at all time. I usually always keep tons of fruit in the fridge, ones that she can just grab and go so that I don’t have to stop what I’m doing each time that she wants a snack. I’m convinced she never gets full! When kids aren’t at school all day burning off a lot of energy then this summer energy is reserved for you, Mommi. My daughter is wanting to be entertained at all times, her energy level is on 100 and I can’t match that. I’m 31 years old, I need naps in between activities. That’s one thing I’m not looking forward to. On the weekends we usually have activities set or I plan something fun for us to do, and on Sunday’s we go to Church then we may have a play date. That’s two day’s of entertainment to plan and now I must plan for ALL SEVEN DAYS! She’s grown out of taking naps, so it’s non-stop daily. Although the iPad can be an educational tool I don’t want her to spend most of her time on it. I prefer for her to be active or learning from books or playing. She’s an only child so we try to plan many play dates or else Mommi’s Entertainment Company has to step up! How do you balance the free days of summer for your Children? Do you have these same summer foes as I do? We love buying and playing the games I grew up on too, we often times do game night. Jenga, UNO, and Trouble are some of our favorites! I plan to incorporate some game nights throughout our summer as well!

One of our favorite books. She’s looking up at all the places she can go!

“We are only young once, That is all society can stand.”
Magical Memories
At the conclusion of each school year I get hella emotional. It symbolizes to me another milestone my little baby girl has reached. It seems as though it was just yesterday that she was only big enough to fit in my arms. Now watching her learn and grow into such an independent little lady really blows my mind! I reminisce on how nervous yet excited she was beginning a new year at the start of each grade, then watching her conquer the year like a true champ! Seeing her master all the new skills and excelling above all the expectations asked of her makes me a Proud Mom to say the least, I’m proud of us both because we made it together. She aced 1st grade making it on the Principle’s List with straight A’s all year! With it being just the two of us many days, we grow closer and closer together. The days passed by so swiftly that it’s hard to imagine an entire year has gone by. Attending the end of the year field day, parties, and of course, the sentimental awards programs makes me realize over and over again how incredibly Magical this journey truly is. So, enjoy the school days and long nights of homework, enjoy the ball games outside in the hot sun (in Georgia), enjoy the seemingly small experiences on a daily basis, and enjoy the summer breaks when all the magic happens! All these memories make life worth living and give us purpose and that push in life! Summer is upon us lets make it a Magical one!

“First grade her I come”

Pajama Day on the last day of 1st grade

Field Day 2019

1st grade Awards Program
Latrese Thomas
May 29, 2019 7:08 amCheers to the summer! Summer is always bittersweet in my home as well, while the kids are excited I selfishly feel the burden of making sure there summer is jammed packed with things to keep them busy, especially in this age of TV and cell phones. I give them their time to do all that but you know what they say about an idle mind! Thank you for your transparency about the Summer pros and cons oh and THANK YOU for talking about your daughter not being in daycare. I am trying that for the first time with my youngest and I was received so much criticism…. this was reassuring!
Brittany Shardé
May 29, 2019 2:36 pmThank you for taking time out to read! I totally agree with you, too much activity can lead to them not feeling like they are getting a break. We have to keep a good balance! And yes, daycare was a no for me if I could help it, and I could so I did. Don’t feel bad at all, and they will flourish just as they should! xo