1. Sew Seeds Early On

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Instilling a strong, biblical foundation in our children should be done proactively and not reactively. It’s never too early to start teaching our kids the Word of God and how to live a life that is pleasing to Him. However, if you wait too long to plant those seeds, it could be too late. They’re watching, they’re listening, and they’re taking their cues from us at an early age. So we might as well plant the seeds from the beginning. Say a little prayer over that baby food or before bedtime. Add some faith-based books to their library so they can learn various Bible stories. Take them to church with you so they can see what Worship looks like. And ALWAYS let them know just how much God loves them.

2. “A Family That Prays Together Stays Together”

This is an old quote I remember reading on my grandmas tote bag as a child. Now in my own family I realize it to be so true. Praying for one another and with one another is important. Praying together is a great way for families to spend some quality time with one another. It’s also an opportunity for family members to express and share concern for what is happening in the other family members’ lives. It is a time of bonding and connectedness. Married couples can get so busy that we may sometimes skip that time of connecting on a spiritual level, and when the children are in school sometimes you miss the whole day with them. Praying together is a way to bring that unity back into the family. If nothing else, we can make sure to get a prayer in together as we sit down for dinner.

3. Be Confident, Don’t Compare

Comparison breeds contempt. What do I mean by that? When we measure ourselves based on someone else, we create space for self-doubt and low self esteem to creep in. But there’s one thing we all must remember. We are ALL fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14). You will not parent like your neighbor, and that’s fine. Your children will not be exactly like theirs, and that is also fine. Even if you did parent exactly like the next woman, your child would still be different from hers because each child is unique. In the words of India Arie, JUST DO YOU! You were designed specifically for your family, and they need you just the way you are. We all serve a different purpose in this world, and it all works together to accomplish God’s will. You are enough, Sis. You. Are. Enough.

4. Teach Your Children To Trust In God

As fallible human beings, we will make mistakes with our kids and we may even fail them. In those moments, who or what do you think they will turn to if they do not have a relationship with God? The thought alone scares me! We want our kids to depends on us and put complete and total trust in the things that we do and say, but are we also teaching them to trust God at that same level? I would go as far as to say that we should teach them to trust God more than they trust Mommi and Daddi. That way when we fall short, they seek comfort and guidance from the right source.

5. God Can Do The Impossible, Not You

You are not God. There are limits to what you can do, and you should embrace those limits. Do the best that you can and then put your faith in God to take care of the rest. As much as we desire and strive to be Super Woman, she is a fictional character, Ladies. We can not do it all at 100%, 100% of the time. Do yourself a favor, extend yourself some grace, and lean on God. The beginning of Matthew 11:29 says it best. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me…” God wants to lighten your load while teaching and guiding you in the process. Let Him!

6. Humility Is Your Best Friend

When we approach motherhood with a sense of arrogance, we set ourselves up for failure. There are no perfect moms and there are no perfect children. No matter how great of a job you do with raising your kids, they will eventually do something to disappoint you, and you will do something to disappoint them. It’s inevitable. Your level of humility will determine how big of a blow the disappointment is to your pride. Remember, pride goes before destruction (Proverbs 16:18). Stay humble.

7. Let God’s Will Be Done In Your Child

It can be challenging, but we must remember that God’s will for our children must come before our own. Sure, we all want the best for our babies. But sometimes in trying to push them to their best, we tend to impose our own dreams and desires on our kids without even considering what God may want for their life. You may want your son to be a doctor, but God may be calling him to be a politician. You may want your daughter to pursue an acting career, but God may be calling her to a life of full-time ministry. Either way, you’ve got to be ok with whatever God wants to do in your child’s life. Pray that God will shape your heart to desire only the things that he desires and to accept the path that he has predestined for your child. He can do it. He WILL do it.

Continue being amazing Mommi!
