Who Would’ve Thought:

This year has taken us all by a complete spiral! Many people have lost their job, finding ways to make ends meet or maybe you’ve found yourself like me simply struggling to protect yourself and family from COVID. As a teacher COVID-19 has truly changed my day to day life entirely. COVID has caused me to miss a paycheck at the start of the school year due to Covid, forced me to take multiple Covid test and even affected some personal goals I aimed to accomplish throughout the year. Above everything my serenity was praying and telling myself “everything will be ok, control what you can, for God has control”. I’ve found myself literally having a mishap every week due to Covid followed by a break through. Each time I wanted to complain I reminded myself to find the light in the situation. As a result simple things carried more weight for me. Walks in the park, playing blocks with my son, drinking hot coco and watching holiday movies all felt like gold to me. Why? God had his way of showing me and teaching me how to slow down and appreciate the things money can’t buy. Our new normal isn’t ideal so I wanted to extend words of encouragement to the mommi feeling overwhelmed, helpless and down right not in the Christmas spirit. So let’s talk.

The True Meaning of Christmas

For years we’ve been told that Christmas is a time to receive gifts, spread love and joy. However, this Christmas is a little different it’s the true meaning of “gratefulness”. The world is on complete egg shells and during this most uncomfortable time all we have is the ones close to us to lean on. This Christmas take this opportunity to reflect at the hidden opportunities Covid has put upon our lives. Often times we can become accustom to the perception of what we believe Christmas is about but it’s truly giving thanks to the higher power God and Jesus Christ. I believe that it’s important that we don’t allow our current situations to define our spirits. However, allow our current situations to allow us to truly live in the moment. Many parents aren’t able to put gifts under a Christmas tree this year, some families may not know where their holiday meal will come from this year and some parents are simply just trying to ensure that their kids have a great day. Despite the scenario, I want you to know that’s it okay! Things will be ok. Use this holiday season to create new holiday traditions such as simply embracing nature with a walk around the neighborhood to look at holiday lights. Maybe snuggling up together making Christmas jokes can be a hit this holiday season or simply gathering together to write down goals for the new year! Whatever you choose understand that EVERYONE has been affected by Covid and you’re not alone. Despite what social media perceives things to be, the news, or even the dangerous hit show QVC we’ve all been affected by Covid in somehow!  We’re all trying to maintain afloat whether that’s financially, health wise, our schedules being flipped upside down or adjusting to our new norm. Life is uncomfortable right now and Covid is teaching us two things to be grateful and how to be resilient!

New Traditions

Use this time to implement new traditions.

  1. Maybe we have to skip out on holiday dinner this year try substituting dinner for game night family zoom. Is it ideal not quite but I can’t help but share with you all how funny playing family feud with your family on zoom is. You’ll be instantly coached on who to have on your team when it’s time for the real deal! .
  2.  Do you have a few dollars to spare? I’m talking five bucks. Head over to Five below and pick up some awesome Christmas activities such as Gingerbread House building, holiday painting and crafting ornaments are always a huge hit!
  3. Don’t have much to give? No big deal. Due to Covid the stock market is our best friend. Purchase a stock for a family member. Believe me American Airlines stock is only $16.88 right now and FitBit is only $7.20 (as we speak). Give a gift that keeps giving but also creates generational wealth along the way. You can never go wrong with investing!!
  4. Most states are preparing for lockdown, some of us are quarantining (much like myself) and some of us are cautiously waiting to hear from our state. Use this time to test out a dish you’ve never tried. The cooking app Tasty is really good for everything baking, pasta, cooking meat and etc. You have the extra free time why not try that dish you wanted to master.

A Mommies Prayer!

Dear heavenly father,

God I come to you asking you for healing and strength among my family and those around me. I ask that you restore stability around me, understanding and guidance within me. Dear God, I know you know my current needs and worries and I trust in you that you have me covered. During this time I ask that you bless me physically, financially and grow me spiritually. No matter how Christmas or the holidays may look this year I want you to know that I’m grateful. Grateful for the small blessings, the large blessings and the blessings you’ve prepared before me unknowingly to me. While my tongue is the power of a sword I ask that you forgive for every complaint I’ve made, every doubt I’ve felt and most importantly every time I’ve found myself lost. This holiday season will be everything and more because your ability to do all the amazing things you’ve done for me thus far! I come to you to say thank you. In your name Jesus Christ, I pray.
